Biography Mahir Çayan

Çayan studied in haydarpaşa high school , @ school of political sciences of ankara university. became member of workers party of turkey , leader of youth movement. supported idea of national democratic revolution later changed view. admired guevarist guerilla groups in latin america (tupamaros), , created strategy called people s revolution , democratic revolution. , 10 friends him abducted 2 nato technicians, in return demand deniz gezmiş , colleagues should not executed. went old village house in kızıldere technicians. however, soldiers did not accept demand , bombed old house. ertuğrul kürkçü survived attack.

on march 30, 1972, in kızıldere village, located in black sea region, mahir Çayan lived, besieged army direction of thkp-c. mahir Çayan , 9 companions surrounded. refused surrender , resisted until last had fallen in combat.


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