Biography Jean-Luc Mélenchon

1 biography

1.1 life (1951–1976)
1.2 socialist mitterrandist leader (1976–1986)
1.3 socialist party (1986–2008)
1.4 departure socialists , foundation of left party (2008–2012)
1.5 first presidential candidacy (2012)
1.6 presidency of françois hollande (2012–2017)
1.7 second presidential candidacy (2017)
1.8 deputy of national assembly (since 2017)

early life (1951–1976)

jean-luc mélenchon born in tangier (tangier international zone), morocco. father, georges, postmaster of spanish descent, , mother, jeanine bayona, primary school teacher of spanish , sicilian descent. grew in morocco, until family moved france in 1962.

mélenchon educated @ public school lycée pierre-corneille in city of rouen, normandy. degree in philosophy university of franche-comté in besançon, , having gained capes (a professional teaching qualification), became teacher before entering politics.

socialist mitterrandist leader (1976–1986)

jean-luc mélenchon left besançon enter professional life in lons-le-saunier (jura), , joined socialist party (ps) in september 1976. assumed local , departmental responsibilities (deputy section secretary of montaigu), , developed federal newspaper fought union between ps , french communist party (pcf). @ time latter broke agreements of union of left on joint program of government. came attention of claude germon, mayor of massy (essone) , member of executive office of ps responsible business section. without stable work after application rejected @ croix du jura newspaper, hired claude germon become private secretary.

he became 1 of leading mitterrandist leaders of essonne federation, led him position of first secretary of federation @ valence congress in 1981 - remained in position until 1986. positioned himself both against second left of michel rocard , centre of socialist studies, research, , education (ceres) of jean-pierre chevènement.

he elected senator during senatorials of 1986.

socialist party (1986–2008)
departure socialists , foundation of left party (2008–2012)

at reims congress, in september 2008, political current trait d union , created after victory of no in french european constitution referendum of 2005, mélenchon made new contribution. on eve of filing of motions, agreement reached between 7 contributions of left wing of ps, , jean-luc mélenchon 1 of signatories of motion c entitled world of advance , led benoît hamon. described gathering historic event : first time, motion brought sensibilities of left wing of ps, emblematic personalities gérard filoche, marie-noëlle lienemann, , paul quilès.

on 6 november 2008, socialist militants voted decide between 6 motions. motion supported ségolène royal led 29% of votes cast, while 1 led benoît hamon came in fourth 18.5%. jean-luc mélenchon, victory of outgoing majority, carries 80% of votes (with 3 firsts motions) and, among them, motion advocating alliance in center. believing far trend point not useful take part in congress, jean-luc mélenchon , marc dolez announced on 7 november decision, fidelity commitments , , independence of action, leave socialist party, , create new movement without concession facing right .

they announced construction of new left-wing party , called left party (on german model of die linke), , called constitution of left-wing front european elections . on 18 november, in meeting french communist party, 2 parties announced alliance in form of partnership , within framework of left front democratic , social europe, against ratification of treaty of lisbon , current european treaties . launch meeting of left party held on 29 november in saint-ouen, in presence of die linke s co-chairman, oskar lafontaine.

first presidential candidacy (2012)

mélenchon candidate representing left front (communist party of france, left party, unitarian left) in 2012 french presidential election. took fourth place , achieved 11.10% of vote, trailing behind françois hollande, nicolas sarkozy, , marine le pen (and respective parties, socialist party, union popular movement, , national front). in comparison, winner, françois hollande, received 28.63% of vote.

jean-luc mélenchon in 2013 in toulouse.

presidency of françois hollande (2012–2017)

mélenchon represented left front in pas-de-calais 11th constituency, confront rival marine le pen, had on 31% in presidential election. received third place 21.46% of vote, narrowly edged out second socialist party member phillip kemel. mélenchon decided not stand in second round of election after result.

during presidency of françois hollande, mélenchon became 1 of critical voices in left against centrist free-market policy. denounced betrayal culture , ideas of french left.

second presidential candidacy (2017)

on february 10, 2016, melenchon launched left-wing political platform la france insoumise ( unbowed france ) during interview on french news station tf1. la france insoumise subsequently endorsed several parties, such left party , french communist party, in addition members of europe Écologie les verts such sergio coronado, gay assembly member 2nd overseas constituency, , mayor of grenoble, Éric piolle.

on 12 january 2017, mélenchon secured 500 elected sponsors required validated constitutional council. after benoît hamon won nomination parti socialiste on left-wing platform, beating former prime minister, manuel valls, 58-41, hamon announced on tf1 on 27 february , melenchon had been in talks form alliance, stances on european union separated them, melenchon s platform renegotiate eu treaties or hold referendum. france 24 reported following that, adding scores place candidate in first or second place

jean-luc mélenchon held @ consistent 12% of campaign, until late upwards surge put him behind third place francois fillon @ 18%. late surge due mélenchon s performance within second presidential debate hosted bfm tv , cnews, where, according elabe poll, found convincing candidate 25% however, did not qualify second round of voting, winning 19% of vote in first round, placing fourth.

after first round, mélenchon refused endorse macron, , refused tell voters vote against le pen, had done in 2002. following constant criticism choice, mélenchon invited members of la france insoumise vote on endorse choices being vote emmanuel macron , blank vote , or abstain , result being announced on 2 may.

his campaign positions included intent establish sixth republic , preserve environment. according ngos development aid action against hunger, action santé mondiale, care france, , 1 campaign, jean-luc mélenchon candidate in presidential election engaged regarding international solidarity. other french intellectuals, vigorously denounces free trade between france , united states example of global exploitation.

deputy of national assembly (since 2017)

mélenchon became in june 2017 member of parliament (national assembly) la france insoumise winning following 2017 french legislative election (59.85% in second round) in 4th constituency of bouches-du-rhône department (marseille), against en marche! candidate corrine versini in second round. notably defeated patrick mennucci in first round, significant member of socialist party in city , former mp in same constituency.

his entrance assembly draws national media attention. during examination of 2017 labor law bill, remarked in assembly multiple interventions, defending statu quo of labor code along la france insoumise, arguing flexibilization harmful workers. had once more media attention when came in parliament 5 euros food shopping bag denounce cut of student grants planned government.


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