Collectively bargaining National Labor Relations Act of 1935

section 7 (29 u.s.c. § 157) sets out general principle employees have right join trade union , engage in collective bargaining.

employees shall have right self-organization, form, join, or assist labor organizations, bargain collectively through representatives of own choosing, , engage in other concerted activities purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, , shall have right refrain or of such activities except extent such right may affected agreement requiring membership in labor organization condition of employment authorized in section 8(a)(3).

specific rules in support of collective bargaining follows.

there can 1 exclusive bargaining representative unit of employees.
promotion of practice , procedure of collective bargaining.
employers compelled bargain representative of employees.
employees allowed discuss wages.

^ salary , benefit discussions among employees . retrieved 2012-11-04. 
^ nlra apply? . retrieved 2012-11-04. 
^ know rights . retrieved 2012-11-04. 


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