Other roles Ash Carter

carter @ demilitarized zone separating north , south korea

carter, william perry , former secretary of state george p. shultz, october 12, 2012

from 1990 1993, carter chairman of editorial board of international security. previously, held positions @ massachusetts institute of technology, congressional office of technology assessment, , rockefeller university.

in 1997, carter , former cia director john m. deutch co-chaired catastrophic terrorism study group urged greater attention terrorism. in 1998 carter, deutch , philip zelikow (later executive director of 9/11 commission) published article on “catastrophic terrorism” in foreign affairs. 1998 2000, deputy william j. perry in north korea policy review , traveled him pyongyang. in 2001–02, served on national academy of sciences committee on science , technology countering terrorism, , advised on creation of department of homeland security.

carter co-director of preventive defense project, designs , promotes security policies aimed @ preventing emergence of major new threats us.

carter had been longtime member of defense science board , defense policy board, principal advisory bodies secretary of defense. during bush administration, member of secretary of state condoleezza rice s international security advisory board; co-chair of senate foreign relations committee s policy advisory group; consultant defense science board; member of national missile defense white team, , member of national academy of sciences committee on international security , arms control. has testified before armed services, foreign relations, , homeland security committees of both houses of congress.

in addition public service, carter senior partner @ global technology partners, focused on advising investment firms in technology , defense. has been consultant goldman sachs , mitretek systems on international affairs , technology matters, , speaks business , policy audiences.

he member of boards of directors of mitre corporation , mitretek systems , advisory boards of mit lincoln laboratory , draper laboratory. carter member of aspen strategy group, council on foreign relations, american physical society, international institute strategic studies, , national committee on u.s.-china relations. carter elected fellow of american academy of arts , sciences. named fellow in american physical society (forum on physics & society) in 2015.

carter meeting israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu in israel, 21 july 2015


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