Natural hybrids Nepenthes spathulata

1 natural hybrids

1.1 n. mirabilis × n. spathulata
1.2 n. reinwardtiana × n. spathulata
1.3 other hybrids

natural hybrids

a lower pitcher of putative n. spathulata hybrid mount belirang, possibly n. singalana

natural hybrids involving n. spathulata relatively rare, few other species grow sympatrically it. 7 putative hybrids have been recorded date, @ least 3 of known unique highland peat swamp habitat around lake kerinci.

n. mirabilis × n. spathulata

nepenthes mirabilis × n. spathulata 1 of hybrids recorded lake kerinci peat swamp. parent species not known sympatric @ other location , hybrid unlikely occur elsewhere. pitchers of n. mirabilis × n. spathulata reddish-brown dark speckles , bright yellowish-red peristome. differs n. mirabilis in wider peristome, bears distinct teeth , more pronounced ribs. n. spathulata, differs in having chartaceous, sub-spathulate leaves, fimbriate margins.

n. reinwardtiana × n. spathulata

nepenthes reinwardtiana × n. spathulata known solely peat swamp near lake kerinci. n. mirabilis × n. spathulata, hybrid unlikely occur anywhere else. lower pitchers infundibular in lowermost part, becoming ovoid hip, , cylindrical above. pair of narrow wings, may or may not fringed, run down front of pitcher. upper pitchers more elongated , less ovoid, no wings or fringe elements. peristome flattened , expanded. lid large , sub-orbicular in shape. leaves linear-lanceolate in shape, decurrent towards base, , have sessile attachment.

other hybrids

a third n. spathulata hybrid n. tobaica has been recorded lake kerinci peat swamp, , n. ampullaria × n. spathulata known kerinci region. in addition, n. inermis × n. spathulata known jambi. nepenthes gymnamphora × n. spathulata has been recorded. seventh putative hybrid n. spathulata has been observed on mount belirang in jambi. lineage unclear due apparent absence of other possible parent species in area.


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