Commemoration Varivode massacre

croatian president ivo josipović condemned killings in 2010.

a simple wooden monument erected commemorate victims of massacre. in april 2010, plaque destroyed croatian war veteran , had rebuilt. monument s destruction condemned then-croatian prime minister jadranka kosor. “the prime minister called on interior ministry , other institutions launch immediate investigation , solve case immediately, in order perpetrators found , punished act of vandalism,” croatian government stated. rebuilt monument unveiled croatian president ivo josipović on 10 may 2010. new monument built out of stone, has names of victims enscribed in both latin , cyrillic alphabets, stands ten meters tall , cost croatian government 60,000 kuna construct.

the croatian president stated, retaliation, robbery , crime impermissible, , blood , shame cannot washed away. 9 serbs killed @ time when there no war , innocent victims of retaliation, josipović said while addressing crowd of several hundred people after laying flowers @ monument. milorad pupovac, croatian serb mp , president of serb national council, stated, have decided erect monument have been forgotten, suffering has gone unrecognized. hope individuals responsible crime brought justice , ones tolerated show themselves. possibility open all, orthodox , catholics, croats , serbs, after erection of monument ethnic serbs civilians suffered in 1991–1995 war, can motion away these things no longer divide can feel mutual-responsibility ensure these crimes never happen again.


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