Career Andrew Rawnsley

1 career

1.1 newspapers
1.2 radio , television
1.3 books


rawnsley began career @ bbc, working there 2 years 1983, joined guardian in 1985. 1987 newspaper s parliamentary sketch writer.

in 1993 moved observer chief political commentator , associate editor, position retains. has won several awards journalism, including: british press awards young journalist of year (1987); papers columnist of year (2000); channel 4 political awards book of year (2001); channel 4 political awards journalist of year (2003); house magazine awards commentator of year (2008); chair s choice award @ editorial intelligence comment awards (2015) combining excellent insight originality , power of expression makes him sans pareil in field .

radio , television

rawnsley has broadcast regularly; co-presenter of channel 4 s week in politics vincent hanna. continues writer-presenter of one-off documentaries channel 4. made bye bye blues, 3 part series john major s government, in 1997. followed blair s year (1998). three-hour series rise , fall of tony blair (2007) long-listed bafta award. rawnsley has written , presented series of programmes on british politics, broadcast on channel 4 s current affairs series, dispatches: gordon brown: did go wrong? (2008), nominated award @ banff world television festival; crash gordon: inside story of financial crisis (2009); cameron uncovered (2010); , year inside number ten (2011).

he founding , sole presenter of bbc radio 4 s westminster hour 1998 september 2006. succeeded carolyn quinn when moved itv network new programme, sunday edition, andrea catherwood, series began on sunday 17 september 2006. since 2011, has presented bbc radio 4 s leader conference .


rawnsley s servants of people: inside story of new labour, published on 27 september 2000, account of years of new labour in government. book raised profile of feud between tony blair , gordon brown. expanded paperback edition, including coverage of 2001 general election, published on 16 july 2001.

rawnsley s end of party: rise , fall of new labour serialised in observer 21 february , published in book form on 1 march 2010. excited controversy alleging prime minister, gordon brown, physically attacked members of staff. expanded paperback edition, taking story day of gordon brown s resignation after 2010 general election, published on 30 september 2010.


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