Beliefs and core values Iglesia ni Cristo

1 beliefs , core values

1.1 bible
1.2 god father, jesus christ , holy spirit
1.3 1 true church
1.4 felix y. manalo
1.5 baptism
1.6 excommunication
1.7 eschatology , resurrection

beliefs , core values

iglesia ni cristo believes true church established jesus christ in first century, , registration in philippines fulfillment of biblical prophecies christ s church re-emerge in far east. because of number of similarities, inc s doctrines have been described restorationist in outlook , theme.


the iglesia ni cristo believes bible book inspired god. sole basis of beliefs , practices.

god father, jesus christ , holy spirit

the iglesia ni cristo believes god father creator deity , true god. inc rejects traditional christian belief in trinity heresy, adopting version of unitarianism. believe position attested jesus christ , apostles.

christ , apostles united in teaching how many , real god. similar other true christians, according apostle paul, there 1 god, father—not son , more not holy spirit. apostles did not teach there 1 god has 3 personas gods. ... [trinity] not found in holy scriptures or bible, , if [catholic] priests ever use bible prove teaching of theirs, based on suppositions , presumptions.

—trans. pasugo (november 1968)

the church believes jesus christ son of god , mediator between god father , humanity, , created god father. god sanctified him without sin, , bestowed upon him titles lord , son of god . church sees jesus god s highest creation, , denies deity of jesus. adherents profess jesus substitutionary role in redemption of humankind. believed have been foreordained before foundation of world , sent god deal sin . members saved christ s blood died because of self-sacrificing love .

inc believes holy spirit power of god , not deity, being sent god father , jesus christ guide god s people.

one true church

iglesia ni cristo flag (the colors represent faith, hope , love while seven-branched candelabrum or menorah represents church in bible)

the iglesia ni cristo believes 1 true church founded jesus christ , restored felix manalo in last days. believe first century church apostasized in century, or in 4th century due false teachings. inc says apostate church roman catholic church. meanwhile, reestablishment seen signal end of days.

they believe iglesia ni cristo fulfillment of bible verse, isaiah 43:5, east refers philippines church of christ founded. inc teaches members constitute elect of god , there no salvation outside iglesia ni cristo. faith alone insufficient salvation. iglesia ni cristo says official name of true church church of christ or iglesia ni cristo (in tagalog) . 2 passages cited inc support romans 16:16 greet 1 holy kiss. churches of christ greet , , george lamsa translation of acts 20:28: take heed therefore ... feed church of god has purchased blood.

felix y. manalo

felix y. manalo said restorer of church of christ, , god s last messenger (sugo in tagalog).

inc says manalo angel east , mentioned in revelation 7:1–3 started inc @ same time world war broke out. period according inc referred ends of earth (cf 41:9-10; 43:5-6) time when end of world near, @ doors (cf. mt. 24:3, 33), began outbreak of war of global proportions (cf. mt. 24:6-7) felix manalo philippines, in center of far east. ‘four winds’ in revelation 7:1-3, refers world war , 4 angels 4 leaders known big 4 (woodrow wilson, david lloyd george, georges clemenceau, , vittorio orlando) worked on prevention of war.

manalo portrayed fulfillment of several passages in isaiah , other books of bible. manalo s titles ravenous bird east (isa. 46:11), worm jacob (ps. 22:6-7), 1 shepherd (john 10:16) , last elijah (mt.17:10-11; mal.4:5).

as 1 established inc, manalo chief administrator, chief theologian , spiritual leader of church. such, ultimate authority in aspects of church, , foremost biblical authority humanity , divinely designated leader of reestablished church of christ in modern world.


the church believes baptism done immersion baptism or believer s baptism adults in water, , necessary people baptised in iglesia ni cristo become disciples of jesus christ. church rejects infant baptism. newborn children of members instead dedicated god through congregational prayer, led ordained minister of inc.

people wish baptized in inc must first submit formal process taking @ least 6 months. once officially registers local congregation, person given status of being bible student (tagalog: dinudoktrinahan) , taught twenty-five lessons concerning fundamental teachings , beginnings in philippines. these lessons contained in doctrine manual written eraño g. manalo entitled fundamental beliefs of iglesia ni cristo . book given ministers, evangelical workers, , ministerial students of inc. each lesson thirty minutes 1 hour in length. after hearing lessons, students enters probationary period (tagalog: sinusubok) during obliged attend fifteen once-a-week group prayer meetings, taught pray , guided in adjustment inc lifestyle. when sixth month comes, students have been active in attending twice-a-week worship services , lifestyles in accordance inc doctrines screened before being baptized. during screening, asked questions teachings of church.


members not living in accordance doctrines taught in inc admonished. continue in violation of inc doctrines after being admonished excommunicated or expelled inc , lose salvation, , therefore, church not believe in perseverance of saints. violations, such eating blood, being absent worship services long without solid reason, or marrying or having romantic relationship non-member may result in mandatory excommunication.

eschatology , resurrection

inc believes person composed of body ( vehicle ), soul ( individual ) , spirit ( life or fuel). members believe when person dies, his/her body , soul both die , go grave both remain until second coming of christ, whereas spirit go god. upon christ s return, dead servants of god, time of patriarchs last days, resurrected join living faithful , loyal inc members. rewarded living in holy city or new jerusalem, god father, , jesus christ. after 1,000 years, second resurrection occur, , non-inc members experience second death lake of fire (dagát-dagatang apóy).

the church believes god set day judge people. believe day second coming of jesus christ.

inc divides time 3 eras: era of patriarchs creation birth of moses, era of prophets birth of moses birth of jesus, , christian era birth of jesus last judgment. adherents believe felix manalo last messenger of god in christian era.

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