Powers and role Prime Minister of Australia

the first prime minister of australia, edmund barton (sitting second left), cabinet, 1901.

most of prime minister s powers derive being head of government. in practice, federal executive council act ratify decisions made cabinet , decisions of cabinet require support of prime minister. powers of governor-general grant royal assent legislation, dissolve , prorogue parliament, call elections , make appointments exercised on advice of prime minister.

the prime minister responsible minister department of prime minister , cabinet, tasked supporting policy agendas of prime minister , cabinet through policy advice , coordination of implementation of key government programs, manage aboriginal , torres strait islander policy , programs , promote reconciliation, provide leadership australian public service alongside australian public service commission, oversee honours , symbols of commonwealth, provide support ceremonies , official visits, set whole of government service delivery policy, , coordinate national security, cyber, counterterrorism, regulatory reform, cities, population, data, , women s policy.

the formal power appoint governor-general lies queen of australia, appointment done on formal advice of prime minister. convention, advice provided prime minister alone, , appointment prime minister s personal choice. prime minister may advise monarch dismiss governor-general, though remains unclear how monarch act on such advice in constitutional crisis. uncertainty, , possibility of race between governor-general , prime minister sack other, key question in 1975 constitutional crisis.

the power of prime minister subject number of limitations. prime ministers removed leader of party, or government loses vote of no-confidence in house of representatives, expected advise election of lower house or resign office. if fail dismissed governor-general.

the prime minister s party have majority in house of representatives , party discipline exceptionally strong in australian politics, passage of government s legislation through house of representatives formality. attaining support of senate can more difficult government lacks absolute majority because senate s representation based on overall proportion of votes , includes minor parties.


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