History Pukapuka

thomas muir

united convince had right attribute ourselves honour of having discovered 3 new islands; , conviction gave them name isles of otter [isles de la loutre] name of our vessel. in order distinguish them, named eastern 1 peron , muir [motu kō], 1 north dorr [pukapuka], , name of brown given third [motu kotawa], after 1 of our officers. péron believed first discover island, because people afraid of them. of course because tāwaki had been killed during ship visit 30 years previously.

because of pukapuka s isolation, few vessels visited before 1857 when london missionary society landed teachers aitutaki , rarotonga. luka manuae of aitutaki later wrote extended account of first days of contact 5–8 december 1857: no te taeanga o te tuatua te atua ki pukapuka ( arrival of word of god @ pukapuka , dated august 1869). lineages wanted kill newcomers in revenge incident had happened month earlier, vakaawi, chief of yālongo lineage, protected them. in following days island accepted luka s christian message, largely because of encounter when 2 dead people apparently raised life.

in 1862 rev. william wyatt gill found of people on island converted christianity. in 1863 peruvian slavers raided island , took away total of 145 men , women; 2 returned, kolia , pilato (malowutia). london missionary society barque john williams wrecked on western side in may 1864. in 1868 buccaneer bully hayes took 40 people go on labour scheme, none of them returned home.

pukapuka proclaimed british protectorate in 1892 , included in cook islands boundaries under control of new zealand in 1901.

pukapuka hit cyclone percy in february 2005 — category 4 cyclone destroyed taro gardens, brought down thousands of trees, , damaged three-quarters of houses.

world war ii

three u.s. navy fliers uss enterprise arrived on pukapuka in february 1942. harold dixon, gene aldrich, , tony pastula survived 34 days on open ocean in tiny 4 8 foot (1.2 2.4 m) raft, beginning odyssey no food or water stores , few tools. found teleuka iotua huddled in hut belonging lakulaku tutala on loto village s reserve, gave them coconuts drink. went , got more help. shortly after arrival cyclone struck island , caused widespread damage. story told in book raft robert trumbull, published henry holt , co. in 1942, , later released motion picture against sun in 2015.


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