Analogous colors Color scheme

analogous colors (also called dominance harmony) color scheme groups of colors adjacent each other on color wheel, 1 being dominant color, tends primary or secondary color, , 2 on either side complementing, tend tertiary.

the term analogous refers having analogy, or corresponding in particular. analogous color scheme creates rich, monochromatic look. it’s best used either warm or cool colors, creating has temperature proper color harmony. while true, scheme lacks contrast , less vibrant complementary schemes.

red, yellow , orange examples of analogous colors

accented analogous

an accented analogous complementary scheme utilizes related hues lying adjacent on color wheel hue directly opposite these. direct complement becomes accent color, used create dominant color grouping of 3 similar colors accented direct complement (or near complement) of 1 of them. complementary accent color creates interesting contrast against dominant color grouping. scheme used put warm accent color cool analogous color pallet, or cool accent color warm pallet.


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