1987–present Science and technology in India

infosys media centre in bangalore.

indian agriculture benefited developments made in fields of biotechnology, separate department created in 1986 under ministry of science , technology. both indian private sector , government have invested in medical , agricultural applications of biotechnology. massive biotech parks established in india while government provided tax deduction research , development under biotechnological firms.

the indian economy underwent economic reforms in 1991, leading new era of globalisation , international economic integration. economic growth of on 6% annually seen between 1993–2002. same year new permanent antarctic base maitri founded , continues remain in operation till date. on 25 june 2002 india , european union agreed bilateral cooperation in field of science , technology. joint eu-india group of scholars formed on 23 november 2001 further promote joint research , development. india holds observer status @ cern while joint india-eu software education , development centre due @ bangalore. scientists , activists, such mit systems scientist va shiva ayyadurai, blame caste holding innovation , scientific research in india, making difficult sustain progress while regressive social organisation prevails. in addition, corruption , inefficiencies in research sector , have resulted in corruption scandals , undermine innovation initiatives.

bangalore considered technological capital of india. it, biotechnology, aerospace, nuclear science, manufacturing technology, automobile engineering, chemical engineering, ship building, space science, electronics, computer science , other medical science related research , development going on large scale in country. southern part of india responsible lion share of technology , advancements country has made. golden triangle of , technology (hyderabad, bangalore , chennai) forms backbone of indian manufacturing, r&d , science , technology.

in 2017, india became associate member of european organization nuclear research.


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