Liberalism Swedish Social Democratic Party
prime minister tage erlander @ tv debate in 1967
liberalism has infused social-democratic ideology. liberalism has oriented social democratic goals security, tage erlander, prime minister 1946 1969, described security big problem individual solve own power . 1980s, when neoliberalism began provide alternative, aggressively pro-capitalist model ensuring social quiescence, sap able secure capital s co-operation convincing capital shared goals of increasing economic growth , reducing social friction. many social democrats, marxism loosely held valuable emphasis on changing world more just, better future. in 1889, hjalmar branting, leader of sap founding death in 1925, asserted, believe … 1 benefits more forcing through reforms alleviate , strengthen position, saying revolution can them. observers have argued liberal aspect has hardened increasingly neoliberal ideology , policies, gradually maximizing latitude of powerful market actors. certainly, neoclassical economists have been firmly nudging social democratic party capitulating of capital s traditional preferences , prerogatives, term modern industrial relations . both socialist , liberal aspects of party influenced dual sympathies of leader hjalmar branting, , manifest in party s first actions: reducing work day 8 hours , establishing franchise working-class people.
while commentators have seen party lose focus rise of sap neoliberal study groups, swedish social democratic party has many years appealed swedes innovative, capable, , worthy of running state. social democrats became 1 of successful political parties in world, structural advantages in addition auspicious birth within vibrant folkrörelser. @ close of nineteenth century, liberals , socialists had band augment establishment democracy, @ point embarrassingly behind in sweden; point formal democratic advances elsewhere motivate political action. in addition being small, sweden semi-peripheral country @ beginning of twentieth century, considered unimportant competing global political factions; permitted more independence, while existence of communist , capitalist superpowers allowed social democracy flourish in geo-political interstices. sap has resource of sharing ideas , experiences, , working sister parties throughout nordic countries. sweden borrow , innovate upon ideas english-language economists, advantage social democrats in great depression; more advantageous bourgeois parties in 1980s , afterward. while sap has not been innocent of repressing communists, party has overall benefitted, in government coalition , in avoiding severe stagnation , drift, engaging in relatively constructive relationships more radical left party , green party. sap had internal resources well, in creative politicians brilliant tactical minds, , creative labor economists @ disposal.
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