First World War Vladimir Vazov

lieutenant general vladimir vazov.

the location of doiran sector crucial represented shortest possible route valley of vardar , during summer of 1918 defence expanded consist of 4 lines arrayed in depth. hence better prepared face attack previous year.

when allied vardar offensive began british , 2 greek divisions once again attacked 9th pleven division @ doiran. during third battle of doiran allies once again enjoyed significant advantage in firepower , manpower, being able bombard bulgarian position on 300,000 ordinary , gas shells. despite damage fortifications limited , fighting again resulted in decisive bulgarian victory. according official british sources allied losses totalled on 7,000. bulgarian sources report figure of on 11,000. bulgarian , german commanders on macedonian front not able use results of decisive victory @ doiran advantage , bulgaria signed armistice on 29 september 1918 ending participation in first world war.

on february 24, 1920 lieutenant-general vazov went reserve. in 1926 became mayor of sofia. during mandate (until 1932) fire department reformed, electrical network expanded, , public transport improved. sofia became 1 of “greenest” capitals in europe.

among notable moments of vladimir vazov’s life visit england in 1936. british legion celebrated british victory in world war i. british veterans invited 1 of worthiest opponents on battlefield. greeted lord milne, shook hand words pleasure meet bulgarian delegation, though enemies, - - fought not brave men, gentlemen. british paid great honour general vazov lowered national flags in name. chairman of british legion major goldy said in speech: “he 1 of few foreign officers name features in our history”.

the last years of life spent in village of ribaritsa (near lovech), died in 1945.


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