Overview and legacy Maxentius

a nummus of maxentius

after constantine s victory, maxentius systematically vilified , presented cruel, bloodthirsty , incompetent tyrant. while not counted under persecutors of christians sources lactantius, under influence of official propaganda later christian tradition framed maxentius hostile christianity well. image has left traces in of our sources , has dominated view of maxentius 20th century, when more extensive use , analysis of non-literary sources coins , inscriptions have led more balanced image. maxentius prolific builder, achievements overshadowed constantine s issue of damnatio memoriae against him. many buildings in rome commonly associated constantine, such great basilica in forum romanum, in fact built maxentius.

discovery of imperial insignia

in december 2006, italian archaeologists announced excavation under shrine near palatine hill had unearthed several items in wooden boxes, identified imperial regalia, possibly belonging maxentius. items in these boxes, wrapped in linen , appears silk, include 3 complete lances, 4 javelins, appears base standards, , 3 glass , chalcedony spheres. important find scepter of flower holding blue-green globe, believed have belonged emperor himself because of intricate workmanship, , has been dated rule.

these known imperial insignia far recovered, hitherto had been known representations on coins , in relief sculptures. clementina panella, archaeologist made discovery states these artifacts belonged emperor, scepter, elaborate. s not item let else have. panella notes insignia hidden maxentius supporters in attempt preserve emperor s memory after defeated @ battle of milvian bridge constantine. items have been restored , on temporary display @ museo nazionale romano @ palazzo massimo alle terme.


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