History Yellow pages

yellowbook logo used in united states.

business listings used publication obtained several methods. local phone companies publish yellow pages directories rely on own customer lists , include business listings provided phone service providers (ilec s). business owners utilize phone services other local phone company (typically bell company) should make information has been sent publisher printing in upcoming directories.

advertising in yellow pages directories requires payment in full prior printing or may billed monthly on life of contract, 12 months. typically, sales representative assist customer in creating ad design , provides proof copy review , approval. advertisers should aware many contracts have automatic renewal clauses , require action on part of advertiser end future billing.

yellow pages print usage reported declining both advertisers , shoppers increasingly turning internet search engines , online directories. according study knowledge networks/sri, in 2007, print yellow pages referenced 13.4 billion times, while internet yellow pages references increased 3.8 billion, 2006’s 3.3 billion online searches. result, yellow pages publishers have attempted create online versions of print directories. these online versions referred iyp or internet yellow pages. independent ad agencies or internet marketing consultants can assist business owners in determining sound opportunities yellow pages advertising , provide objective information on usage, possession , preferences.

archived yellow pages , telephone directories important tools in local historical research, trademark litigation, , genealogy.


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