The opening moves Battle of Stanhope Park

at beginning of june 1327, state of truce existed between england , scotland clear not last. truce negotiations broke down , 15 june, scots forces had crossed on english west march. english army, including large contingent of hainaut mercenaries (amongst whom chronicler jean le bel), set out york on 1 july make counter invasion of scotland. on 15 july, in durham. here saw smoke burning farms in surrounding countryside , realised second scottish force had entered english eastern march , close by.

the english army pursued scots not make contact , lost touch them. @ point, english changed tactics and, instead of trying overtake scots, decided position intercept scottish army heading scotland. accordingly, marched haydon, crossed river tyne , encamped on 20 july. here stayed waiting scots week. however, @ end of time realised have seek out scots. party of men-at-arms sent out search scots , main army marched off again southward. on 30 july, met 1 of scouts, thomas rokesby, had blundered scots army , been captured them. scots had released him on condition rode , directed english army them. english followed rokesby , located scots near stanhope in durham.


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