Similar formats Video CD

1 similar formats

1.1 cd-i digital video
1.2 xvcd
1.3 kvcd
1.4 dvcd
1.5 dvi
1.6 svcd

similar formats
cd-i digital video

shortly before advent of white book vcd, philips started releasing movies in green book cd-i format, calling subformat cd-i digital video (cd-i dv). while these used similar format (mpeg-1), due minor differences between standards these discs not compatible vcd players. philips cd-i players full motion video mpeg-1 decoder cartridge play both formats. few cd-i dv titles released before company switched current vcd format publishing movies.


xvcd (extended video cd) name given format stores mpeg-1 video on compact disc in cd-rom xa mode 2 form 2, not strictly follow vcd standard in terms of encoding of video or audio.

a normal vcd encoded mpeg-1 @ constant bit rate (cbr), scenes required use same data rate, regardless of complexity. however, video on xvcd typically encoded @ variable bit rate (vbr), complex scenes can use higher data rate short time, while simpler scenes use lower data rates. xvcds use lower bitrates in order fit longer videos onto disc, while others use higher bitrates improve quality. mpeg-2 may used instead of mpeg-1.

to further reduce data rate without reducing quality, size of gop can increased, different mpeg-1 quantization matrix can used, maximum data rate can exceeded, , bit rate of mp2 audio can reduced (or use of mp3 audio instead of mp2 audio). these changes can advantageous want either maximize video quality, or use fewer discs.


kvcd (k video compression dynamics) xvcd variant requires use of proprietary quantization matrix, available non-commercial use. kvcd notable because specification recommends non-standard resolution of 528x480 or 528x576. kvcds encoded @ resolution playable computers cd-rom drives, , small number of dvd players.


dvcd or double vcd method accommodate longer videos on cd. non-standard cd overburned include 100 minutes of video. however, cd-rom drives , players have problems reading these cds, because groove spacing outside specifications , player s laser servo unable track it.


dvi (digital video interactive) compression technique stored 72 minutes of video on cd-rom. in 1998, intel acquired technology rca s sarnoff research labs. dvi never caught on.


super video cd format intended successor of vcd, offering better quality of image , sound.


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