Hardware and software support Video CD

a few consoles supported vcds, sega saturn.

video cds not popular in us, canada , europe, support limited among mainstream software. windows media player prior version 9 , quicktime player not support playing vcd directly, though can play .dat files (stored under \mpegav video , audio data) reliably, , plugins available. windows vista added native support of vcd along dvd-video , can launch preferred application upon insertion. disc format supported using windows media player classic variations , vlc media player both support vcds natively.

direct access playback support available within windows xp mce, windows vista , newer (including windows 10), classic mac os, bsd, macos, , linux among others, either directly or updates , compatible software.

disc playback available both natively , option on cd- , dvd-based video game consoles, including pc-fx, sega saturn (pictured), sega dreamcast, , sony playstation (only on scph-5903 model).

most dvd players compatible vcds, , vcd-only players available throughout asia, , online through many shopping sites. older blu-ray , hd-dvd players retained support, cbhd players well. however, current blu-ray players , sony playstation 3/4 cannot play vcds; because while have backwards playback compatibility dvd standard, these player can not read vcd data because player software not have support mpeg-1 video , audio.


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