Crime statistics Crime in Switzerland

1 crime statistics

1.1 types of convictions
1.2 historic conviction rates
1.3 age @ conviction

crime statistics

in switzerland, police registered total of 526,066 offenses under criminal code in 2014 (-9% compared previous year), of 186,708 or 35.5% cases of thefts (excluding vehicles, -14%), , 47,762 or 9% cases of thefts of vehicles (including bicycles, +8%), 41 killings (-28%) , 132 attempted murders (-13%). there 556 cases of rape (-3%). offenses against narcotics act decreased 16.8% 80,986. offenses against federal act on foreign nationals decreased 4.7% total of 39,544.

in 2014, 110,124 adults convicted, of 55,240 (50%) convicted according traffic regulation offences, 6,540 (+1.6%) trafficking in narcotic substances, , 17,882 (-7.2%) offenses against federal act on foreign nationals. 83,014 or 83.4% of adult convicted people male, , 42,289 or 42.5% of them swiss citizens. in same year, 11,484 minors (78% of them male, 68% of them of swiss nationality, 64.2% aged either 16 or 17) convicted.

convictions infliction of bodily harm have steadily increased throughout 1990s , 2000s, 23 convictions serious injury , 831 light injury in 1990 opposed 78 , 2,342, respectively, in 2005. convictions rape have increased, fluctuating between 61 , 100 cases per year in period 1985 1995, between 100 , 113 cases in period 2000 2005. consistent these trends, convictions threats or violence directed against officials has consistently risen in same period, 348 in 1990 891 in 2003.

types of convictions

the number of convicted persons given in following tables. each class of crime references relevant section of strafgesetzbuch (criminal code, abbreviated stgb in german), or betäubungsmittelgesetz (abbr. betmg, narcotics act), or strassenverkehrsgesetz (abbr. svg, swiss traffic regulations).

^a 2016 conviction numbers may not include convictions overturned on appeal.
^ due privacy protection laws convictions not included.

^a 2016 conviction numbers may not include convictions overturned on appeal.
^ due privacy protection laws convictions not included.

historic conviction rates

the historic adult conviction rates given in following chart:

^a 2014 conviction numbers may not include convictions overturned on appeal.

age @ conviction

the age of individuals @ time of convictions given in chart:

^a 2014 conviction numbers may not include convictions overturned on appeal.

^ cite error: named reference pks invoked never defined (see page).
^ kriminalität, strafvollzug – daten, indikatoren; verurteilungen: jugendliche und erwachsene; verurteilungen 2013 - 2014 (official federal site) (in german , french). neuchâtel, switzerland: swiss federal statistical office. 30 april 2015. retrieved 2015-08-14. 
^ kriminalität, strafvollzug – daten, indikatoren; verurteilungen: jugendliche und erwachsene; verurteilte personen 2014 (official federal site) (in german , french). neuchâtel, switzerland: swiss federal statistical office. 30 april 2015. retrieved 2015-08-14. 
^ swiss federal statistics office
^ swiss federal statistics office
^ kriminalität, strafvollzug – daten, indikatoren: verurteile personen: jugendliche und erwachsene (in german) accessed 27 october 2017


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