Benefits Complete streets

1 benefits

1.1 safety
1.2 health
1.3 economic
1.4 environment
1.5 benefits in policy


proponents of complete streets policies believe improve safety, lower transportation costs, provide transportation alternatives, encourage health through walking , biking, stimulate local economies, create sense of place, improve social interaction, , improve adjacent property values. opponents may consider automobile-only infrastructure better use of public funds, or consider efforts encourage other forms of transportation coercive. individual projects , policies have faced specific local opposition, typically based on concerns on traffic flow , automobile access.


complete streets policies meant in part improve safety, , various studies suggest complete streets principles have done so. federal highway administration safety review found designing street pedestrians in mind—sidewalks, raised medians, turning access controls, better bus stop placement, better lighting, traffic calming measures, , treatments disabled travelers—all improve pedestrian, bicyclist , motorist safety. rates of pedestrian injuries , fatalities decrease 88% when sidewalks added, 69% hybrid beacon signals added, , 39% when medians added.the university of oregon published before , after study of 25 complete street projects , found significant automobile speed crash reductions projects throughout country.


a variety of reports , organizations have suggested complete streets policies improve public health promoting walking , bicycling. u.s. centers disease control , prevention recommend adoption of complete streets policy strategy prevent obesity. report of national conference of state legislatures named complete streets policies effective policy avenue encouraging bicycling , walking. 1 study found 43% of people safe places walk within 10 minutes of home met recommended physical activity levels, while 27% of without safe places walk active enough. institute of medicine recommends fighting childhood obesity changing ordinances encourage construction of sidewalks, bikeways, , other places physical activity. report of national conference of state legislators found complete streets policies effective policy avenue encouraging bicycling , walking complete streets. on 1 third of regular public transit users meet minimum daily requirement physical activity.


proponents of complete streets believe communities become safer, more attractive, , provide more transportation choices, local economies thrive , land values rise.

successful complete streets implementation has helped communities stimulate local economies. revitalization project in lancaster, ca helped create 50 new businesses , on 800 new jobs. after 2007 complete streets redesign in parts of new york city, there 50% increase in retail sales on 9th avenue in manhattan , 50% decrease in commercial vacancies in union square.

transit , bicycle/pedestrian projects create more construction jobs traditional roadway jobs: complete streets projects funded through american recovery , reinvestment act of 2009 created more jobs projects on road repair , new construction. under stimulus, transit projects created twice job hours every $1 billion highway projects. pedestrian , bicycle projects create between 1.8 , 3.8 more jobs auto-only projects. job creation, however, not free lunch since requires greater government expenditure.


complete streets can have positive effect on environment. providing safe options people walk , bike, complete streets can lead fewer people driving in cars, resulting in lowered automobile emissions.

the 2009 national household travel survey found 39% of trips in metropolitan areas 3 miles or less , 17% of trips 1 mile or less. of these trips can made on foot or bicycle , complete streets provide infrastructure allow people safely so. traveling foot or bike zero-emission means of travel.

communities strong complete streets policies , implementation, including boulder, co, see reduction in emissions. on last several years, fewer people in boulder drove alone , bicycle , transit trips increased. result, city cut annual carbon dioxide emissions half million pounds.

benefits in policy

in addition benefits provided infrastructural elements of complete streets, development of complete streets policy encourages facilitation of community inclusiveness , educational opportunities establishes context sensitive approach in design , implementation of transportation improvements.

at total of 899 enacted complete streets policy documents within u.s, states , territories, 82 complete streets policies passed , enacted in communities in 2015 have been analyzed national complete streets coalition in collaboration smart growth america under policy grading-rubric consisting of comprehensive elements. in analysis coalition found community outreach , context sensitivity important characteristics included throughout documented examples , waited considerably in determining efficiency , effectiveness of examined policies.

complete streets implementation complimentary in making sure transportation projects fit within context in implementation goals provided within policy align context sensitive solutions such instructing municipalities include public meetings, maintained communication stake-holders, , street transportation use classification. additionally, community outreach promoted , achieved through educational opportunities of complete streets principles helps establish community social connectivity , encourages participation in active transportation modes.

in 2003, partnership active communities established 5-year plan bring multidisciplinary organizations goal of moving toward complete streets , improving transportation facilities in sacramento, ca area. inter-organizational partnerships , comprehensive communication plan within effort lead awareness of safety issues associated active transportation methods along under-designed infrastructure. educational opportunities within project helped solidify connectivity among community members , organizations while working remedy transportation issues influence in policy changes.


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