U.S. House of Representatives Sheila Jackson Lee

1 u.s. house of representatives

1.1 elections

1.1.1 1994
1.1.2 1996-2008
1.1.3 2010
1.1.4 2012
1.1.5 2016

1.2 tenure
1.3 staff turnover
1.4 foreign policy
1.5 immigration
1.6 criticism of tea party
1.7 wikileaks
1.8 health care
1.9 al-qaeda
1.10 legislation
1.11 committee assignments
1.12 caucus memberships
1.13 space program
1.14 hurricane naming
1.15 foreign travel
1.16 confederate flag issue

u.s. house of representatives

in 1994, jackson lee challenged four-term incumbent u.s. congressman craig washington in democratic primary. washington had come under fire opposing several projects have benefited houston area. jackson lee defeated washington in rout, taking 63% washington s 37%. victory tantamount election in heavily democratic, black-majority district. in general election, defeated republican nominee jerry burley 73%-24%.


during time period, jackson lee never challenged in democratic primary. won re-election during time @ least 76% of vote.


for first time in congressional career, jackson lee challenged in democratic primary; opponents houston city councilmember jarvis johnson , sean roberts. defeated them 67%-28%-5%.

it reported in october 2010 jackson lee “asking department of justice investigate whether tea party groups intimidating black , hispanic voters in district.” requested attorney general eric holder send poll monitors make sure local group wasn t stopping people voting.

she won general election 70 percent of vote, lowest winning percent of career.


in 2012, jackson lee not challenged in democratic primary , won general election 75 percent of ballots cast.


four republicans competed in march 1 primary election right challenge jackson lee in november 8 general election. lori bartley, 5,679 votes (33.7 percent), led field , faces runoff on april 24 second-placed contender, reggie gonzales, drew 5,578 votes (33.1 percent). 2 other contenders, stronger of whom sharon joy fisher 4,405 votes (26.1 percent), held remainder of ballots cast. bartley won nomination on gonzalez, 58 42 percent.


prior 110th congress, jackson lee served on house science committee , on subcommittee oversees space policy , nasa. member of congressional black caucus, , cbc whip.

staff turnover

in 2011 reported have 1 of highest staff turnovers in congress , 1 of worst bosses. huffington post , houston chronicle reported had gone through 11 chiefs of staff in 11 years. in 2011 named 1 of worst bosses in washington daily caller. huffington post stated jackson lee regularly appears on washingtonian magazine s list of “best , worst of congress” “meanest” member of house of representatives. reputation worst boss on capitol hill continued; in 2012 washingtonian again listed meanest member of house, report in 2013 concluded veteran texas democrat had highest turnover rate of congress on past decade.

foreign policy

in 2000, favored permanently normalizing trade status china, arguing aid both human rights , houston s economy.

jackson lee traveled 2001 world conference against racism in south africa, , has backed sanctions against sudan. on april 28, 2006, jackson lee, along 4 other members of congress , 6 other activists, arrested disorderly conduct in front of sudan s embassy in washington. protesting role of sudan s government in ethnic cleansing in darfur.

jackson lee has urged better relations between u.s. , venezuela, describes friendly nation. said u.s. should reconsider ban on selling f-16 fighter jets , spare parts country. u.s. state department bans such sales due lack of support counter-terrorist operations , venezuela s relations iran , cuba.

in july 2010 jackson lee said: today, have 2 vietnams, side side, north , south, exchanging , working. may not agree north vietnam doing, living in peace. better human rights record north vietnam, living side side. noted vietnam had not been split 4 decades, , government of vietnam not consider south vietnam have ever been sovereign nation.


jackson lee active on immigration issues. has proposed increasing border security , increasing opportunities legalization among living in united states. has opposed guest worker program, saying idea of guest: connotate[s] invite, come, and, @ same time, misleads because ask people come temporary job of 3 6 years , have leave if don t have job , think not.

criticism of tea party

speaking in july 2010 @ naacp national convention, jackson lee compared tea party kkk.


in october 2016 interview on msnbc, jackson mistakenly denounced wikipedia in place of wikileaks. story concerned hillary clinton email controversy, jackson s exact quotation being know m going first of denounce utilization of intrusion wikipedia through russian intrusion, s about. espionage said on these last couple of days. need concerned intrusion of russia , putin in these elections.

health care

jackson lee said in january 2011 repealing health care law in violation of constitution. argued patient protection , affordable care act constitutional under commerce clause, , repealing violate both fifth , fourteenth amendments.


at homeland security committee hearing on radical muslims in us, held in march 2011, jackson lee said peter king s hearings helping al-qaeda , “going same route arizona.” complained hearings scaring muslim americans , called them “an outrage.”


on september 27, 2013, jackson lee introduced essential transportation worker identification credential assessment act (h.r. 3202; 113th congress), bill direct united states department of homeland security assess effectiveness of transportation worker identification credential (twic) program. bill require independent assessment of how twic program improves security , reduces risks @ facilities , vessels responsible for.

committee assignments

committee on homeland security

subcommittee on counterterrorism , intelligence
subcommittee on transportation security (ranking member)

committee on judiciary

subcommittee on intellectual property, competition, , internet
subcommittee on crime, terrorism, , homeland security
subcommittee on immigration policy , enforcement

caucus memberships

jackson lee or has been member of number of caucuses, including:

the 9-11 commission caucus
the building better america caucus (babac)
the congressional caucus on global road safety
the congressional human rights caucus.
the congressional algeria caucus
the congressional pakistan caucus
the us-afghan caucus
veterinary medicine caucus
congressional progressive caucus.

space program

in 1997, while on trip mars pathfinder operations center in california, jackson lee confused planet mars earth s own moon, asking whether pathfinder had succeeded in taking picture of flag planted on mars neil armstrong in 1969.

hurricane naming

jackson lee complained in 2003 storm names white. racial groups should represented, said, , asked officials try inclusive of african-american names.

foreign travel

in may, 2015, washington post reported jackson lee took trip azerbaijan paid government of country.

confederate flag issue

on thursday, july 9, 2015, jackson lee , others engaged in debate on confederate battle flag produced erroneous reproduction of thought original flag. original battle flag contained 13 stars representing each state of confederacy of 1861. flag jackson lee presented members of congress contained 17 stars.


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