Traditions Kentucky Derby

louisville clock (often called louisville derby clock)

the infield, spectator area inside track, offers general admission prices little chance of seeing of race. instead, revelers show in infield party abandon. contrast, millionaire s row refers expensive box seats attract rich, famous , well-connected. women appear in fine outfits lavishly accessorized large, elaborate hats. horses paraded before grandstands, university of louisville marching band plays stephen foster s old kentucky home, tradition began in 1921. event attracts spectators large area, flying in hundreds of private aircraft louisville international airport.

the derby referred run roses, because lush blanket of 554 red roses awarded kentucky derby winner each year. tradition originated in 1883 when new york socialite e. berry wall presented roses ladies @ post-derby party attended churchill downs founder , president, col. m. lewis clark. gesture believed have led clark idea of making rose race s official flower. however, not until 1896 recorded account referred roses being draped on derby winner. governor of kentucky awards garland , kentucky derby trophy. pop vocalist dan fogelberg composed song run roses released in time 1980 running of race.


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