Disastrous expedition against the Vandals Basiliscus

cap bon, in modern tunisia place roman fleet led basiliscus landed launch attack upon vandal capital of carthage.

in 468, leo chose basiliscus leader of famous military expedition against carthage. invasion of kingdom of vandals 1 of greatest military undertakings recorded in annals of history, combined amphibious operation on ten thousand ships , 1 hundred thousand soldiers. purpose of operation punish vandal king geiseric sacking of rome in 455, in former capital of western roman empire overwhelmed, , empress licinia eudoxia (widow of emperor valentinian iii) , daughters taken hostages.

the plan concerted between eastern emperor leo, western emperor anthemius, , general marcellinus, enjoyed independence in illyricum. basiliscus ordered sail directly carthage, while marcellinus attacked , took sardinia, , third army, commanded heraclius of edessa, landed on libyan coast east of carthage, making rapid progress. appears combined forces met in sicily, whence 3 fleets moved @ different periods.

ancient , modern historians provided different estimations number of ships , troops under command of basiliscus, expenses of expedition. both enormous; nicephorus gregoras speaks of 1 hundred thousand ships, more reliable cedrenus says fleet attacked carthage consisted of eleven hundred , thirteen ships, having each 1 hundred men on board. conservative estimation expedition expenses of 64,000 pounds of gold, sum exceeded whole year s revenue.

sardinia , libya conquered marcellinus , heraclius, when basiliscus cast anchor off promontorium mercurii, cap bon, opposite sicily, forty miles carthage. geiseric requested basiliscus allow him 5 days draw conditions of peace. during negotiations, geiseric gathered ships , attacked roman fleet. vandals had filled many vessels combustible materials. during night, these fire ships propelled against unguarded , unsuspecting roman fleet. roman commanders tried rescue ships destruction, these manoeuvres blocked attack of other vandal vessels.

basiliscus fled in heat of battle. 1 half of roman fleet burned, sunk, or captured, , other half followed fugitive basiliscus. whole expedition had failed. heraclius effected retreat through desert tripolitania, holding position 2 years until recalled; marcellinus retired sicily, reached basiliscus; general was, however, assassinated, perhaps @ instigation of ricimer, 1 of own captains; , king of vandals expressed surprise , satisfaction, romans remove world formidable antagonists.

after returning constantinople, basiliscus hid in church of hagia sophia escape wrath of people , revenge of emperor. mediation of verina, basiliscus obtained imperial pardon, , punished merely banishment heraclea sintica, in thrace.


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