Activities Religious Studies Center

1 activities

1.1 areas of study
1.2 research , funding
1.3 books
1.4 symposia
1.5 periodicals
1.6 awards

areas of study

the rsc has funded research in several areas, including ancient scripture, ancient studies, bible, book of mormon, church history, doctrine , covenants, judeo-christian religions, pearl of great price, , world religions. rsc has sponsored lds sociological studies , research on other religions, such egyptian christianity, islam, , sub-tropical african religions. in 1985, rsc began publish works of these specialized areas of study, making rsc specialized monograph series.

research , funding

the rsc awards financial grants byu faculty , other scholars research lds history, doctrine, scripture, , culture. research has been published rsc , other publishers, including dialogue: journal of mormon thought, university of illinois press, university of missouri press, , oxford university press. of several projects accepts per year, rsc prefers benefit religious teachers , progress of lds church. rsc publications intended scholarly , useful general lds readers.

the rsc financed through byu funds, individual donations, , friends of religious education (fore). fore national volunteer committee find donors byu religious education activities, such rsc research, publishing, , translation. fore encourages donations, sponsors projects, , hosts firesides (special religious lectures) throughout united states given religious education faculty.


the following titles show breadth of books published rsc (complete list): andrew f. ehat , lyndon w. cook, eds., words of joseph smith; hugh w. nibley, nibley on timely , timeless; kenneth l. alford, ed., civil war saints; roger p. minert, in harm’s way: east german latter-day saints in world war ii; mark l. grover, land of promise , prophecy: elder a. theodore tuttle in south america, 1960–1965; laura harris hales, ed., reason faith: navigating lds doctrine , church history; , michael hubbard mackay , nicholas j. frederick, joseph smith s seer stones. several have won awards (see list below).


a primary function of rsc organization of symposia , conferences on religious subjects, selected papers later published. anthologies symposia on broad topics make several volumes in rsc monograph series. of these symposia recur annually, such ones on scriptures , church history. rsc involved annual sidney b. sperry symposium, have been held @ byu since 1973. often, general authorities deliver keynote addresses @ these symposia.

in 2003 religious education administrative council approved proposal richard neitzel holzapfel , thomas a. wayment host conference on saturday before easter focus on jesus s last twenty-four hours , resurrection. conference held , rebroadcast on kbyu television, helping religious education expand audience. response conference, called byu easter conference, positive university decided should annual event, cosponsored religious education , rsc. on, 1 thousand attendees heard elder d. todd christofferson give keynote address @ second annual conference, “the atonement , resurrection,” later published in religious educator. in subsequent years, event shifted fridays, targeted coincide friday. on years keynote addresses delivered president cecil o. samuelson in 2006, elder f. enzio busche in 2007, , sister bonnie d. parkin in 2009. estimated 2,500 people attended 2013 easter conference featured elder john m. madsen, brad wilcox, , brent l. top. other well-known keynote addresses have been given elaine s. dalton, spencer j. condie, sheri l. dew, , byu president, kevin j worthen. annual event has stayed quite popular among people living along wasatch front. proceedings published every other year rsc in cooperation deseret book.

in 2006 rsc began sponsoring church history symposium, copublishing proceedings deseret book. professor alexander l. baugh initiated event proposing conference acknowledge 2 hundredth anniversary of oliver cowdery s birth. since time, event has become premier venue rigorous , faithful scholarship on church history. topics have been oliver cowdery, wilford woodruff, john taylor, preserving history of latter-day saints, firm foundation: church organization , administration, go ye world: growth , development of mormon missionary work, joseph f. smith: reflections on man , times, approaching antiquity: joseph smith s study of ancient world, “the international church: mormonism global religion,” beyond biography: sources in context mormon women’s history, , business, wealth, enterprise, , debt: economic side of mormon history, 1830–1930.


in addition books , articles, rsc publishes own periodicals. in 1986 rsc began publishing quarterly (later triannual) religious studies center newsletter, carried updates on rsc symposia, books, , research, , distributed church educational system faculty , lds military chaplains. in 2008 newsletter replaced byu religious education review, semiannual magazine. in 2000, dean robert l. millet , others created religious educator journal focus on teaching gospel, publishing studies on scripture, doctrine, , lds church history, , sharing messages of outstanding devotional essays. millet replaced temporary editorial board in 2001 richard neitzel holzapfel, became full-time editor in chief. holzapfel asked ted d. stoddard, professor in marriott school of business, explore design , content issues , prepare guidelines enhance scholarly basis of new publication. holzapfel clarified purpose of new venture: “our hope provide readers prepared, inspirational, , information-packed writings on wide range of subjects explicitly associated restoration. teachers, authors, researchers, , students of latter-day saint studies @ every level appreciate discussions of relevant ideas , issues perspective of faith.” main audience consists of church educational system teachers, such volunteers , paid professionals in lds seminaries , institutes of religion , religion professors @ church colleges. in 2007 rsc agreed oversee , fund student journal studia antiqua.


2016—harvey b. black , susan easton black outstanding publication award (church history , doctrine, gospel scholarship) michael hubbard mackay, sacred space: exploring birthplace of mormonism.
2015—harvey b. black , susan easton black outstanding publication award (church history , doctrine, gospel scholarship) kip sperry, nauvoo , hancock county, illinois: guide family history , historical sources.
2014—harvey b. black , susan easton black outstanding publication award (ancient scripture) daniel l. belnap, ed., our rites of worship: latter-day saint views on ritual in scripture, history, , practice.
2013—harvey b. black , susan easton black outstanding publication award (church history , doctrine) kenneth l. alford, ed., civil war saints.
2013—best international article award (mormon history association) ronald e. bartholomew, “the role of local missionaries in nineteenth-century england,” in go ye world: growth , development of mormon missionary work, ed. reid l. neilson , fred e. woods.
2012—harvey b. black , susan easton black outstanding publication award (ancient scripture) robert l. millet, ed., no weapon shall prosper: new light on sensitive issues.
2011—geraldine mcbride woodward award best publication in international mormon history (mormon history association) roger p. minert, in harm’s way: east german latter-day saints in world war ii.
2009—geraldine mcbride woodward award best publication in international mormon history (mormon history association) mark l. grover, land of promise , prophecy: elder a. theodore tuttle in south america, 1960–1965.
2006—steven f. christensen best documentary award (mormon history association) donald g. godfrey , kenneth w. godfrey, diaries of charles ora card: utah years, 1871–1886.
1993—t. edgar lyon award of excellence (mormon history association) ronald k. esplin, discipleship: brigham young , joseph smith, in joseph smith, prophet, man, ed. susan easton black , charles d. tate.
1981—distinction in editing mormon documents (mormon history association) andrew ehat , lyndon cook, words of joseph smith.

^ religious studies center, brigham young university . nibley on timely , timeless: classic essays of hugh nibley. religious studies center. 1978. p. v. retrieved 2009-05-18. 
^ c. wilfred griggs, ed. (1988). religious studies center, brigham young university . excavations @ seila, egypt. religious studies center. p. v. retrieved 2009-05-18. 
^ darwin l. thomas, ed. (1988). religion , family connection: social science perspectives. religious studies center. 
^ duke, james t., ed. (1998). latter-day saint social life: social research on lds church , members. religious studies center. 
^ dollahite, david c. (august 2001). beloved children, faithful fathers: caring children special needs (pdf). marriage & families (6): 21. retrieved 2009-05-18. 
^ cite error: named reference matthews87 invoked never defined (see page).
^ porter, larry c. (1985). foreword . supporting saints: life stories of nineteenth-century mormons. provo, utah: religious studies center. pp. xi–xii. isbn 0-8849-4565-0. retrieved november 15, 2017. 
^ research grants . religious studies center. brigham young university. archived original on april 27, 2009. retrieved 2009-05-18. 
^ skousen, royal (1993). book of mormon critical text project . in susan easton black; charles d. tate, jr. joseph smith, prophet, man. religious studies center. p. 65. retrieved 2009-05-18. 
^ sperry, kip (2005). acknowledgments . kirtland, ohio: guide family history , historical sources. religious studies center. p. xiv. retrieved 2009-05-18. 
^ jackson, richard w. (2003). introduction . places of worship: 150 years of latter-day saint architecture. religious studies center. p. ix. retrieved 2009-05-18. 
^ marie cornwall s work on article how common principle?: women plural wives in 1860 partially funded rsc. see: notes on contributors . dialogue: journal of mormon thought. 26 (2): 223. summer 1993. retrieved 2009-05-18. 
^ walker, ronald w. (1998). wayward saints: godbeites , brigham young. [back cover]. university of illinois press. isbn 978-0-252-06705-1. retrieved 2009-05-18. 
^ launius, roger d. (1997). preface . alexander william doniphan. university of missouri press. p. xiv. isbn 978-0-8262-1132-3. retrieved 2009-05-18. 
^ hamilton, c. mark (1995). acknowledgments . nineteenth-century mormon architecture , city planning. oxford university press. p. ix. isbn 978-0-19-507505-2. retrieved 2009-05-18. 
^ cite error: named reference re2003 invoked never defined (see page).
^ friends of religious education . religious education. brigham young university. retrieved 2009-05-18. 
^ nordgren, brent r. (winter 2009). conversation ken mccarty (pdf). byu religious education review: 18. retrieved 2009-05-18. 
^ invitation friends of religious education (pdf). byu religious education review. [back cover]. winter 2009. retrieved 2009-05-18. 
^ cite error: named reference waterman invoked never defined (see page).
^ moorty, s. s. (winter 1982). unity in diversity (pdf). dialogue: journal of mormon thought. 15 (4): 127. retrieved november 15, 2017. 
^ woodward, robert c. (spring 1984). study in mutual respect . dialogue: journal of mormon thought. 17 (1): 155. retrieved 2009-05-18. 
^ cite error: named reference treasury invoked never defined (see page).
^ rasmussen, ellis t. (2000). sperry, sidney b. . in richard o. cowan; donald q. cannon; arnold k. garr. encyclopedia of latter-day saint history. salt lake city, utah: deseret book. 
^ days never forgotten: oliver cowdery . retrieved 17 october 2014. 
^ banner of gospel: wilford woodruff . religious studies center. retrieved november 15, 2017. 
^ champion of liberty: john taylor . retrieved 17 october 2014. 
^ preserving history of latter-day saints . retrieved 17 october 2014. 
^ firm foundation . retrieved 17 october 2014. 
^ go ye world . retrieved 17 october 2014. 
^ 2014 byu church history symposium . religious studies center. retrieved november 15, 2017. 
^ 2013 byu church history symposium . brigham young university. retrieved november 15, 2017. 
^ 2014 byu church history symposium: world wide church: global reach of mormonism . brigham young university. retrieved november 15, 2017. 
^ 2016 church history symposium . byu division of continuing education. retrieved november 15, 2017. 
^ church history symposium . byu division of continuing education. retrieved november 15, 2017. 
^ byu religious education review . harold b. lee library. retrieved november 15, 2017. 
^ religious educator 1 (2000): i.
^ religious educator 3, no. 2 (2002): vi
^ religious educator: perspectives on restored gospel . religious educator. 1 (1): i. spring 2000. retrieved november 15, 2017. 
^ awards recipients - mormon history association . retrieved 17 october 2014. 
^ mha awards (pdf). mormon history association. 2007. retrieved 2009-05-18. 


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