Policies Reform Party of Canada

1 policies

1.1 role of government

1.1.1 decentralization , senate reform
1.1.2 reductions in government-provided services

1.2 economic policy

1.2.1 international trade policies
1.2.2 taxation policies

1.3 social policy

1.3.1 aboriginal affairs
1.3.2 gay rights
1.3.3 law , order
1.3.4 immigration policy, language, , minority rights

1.4 national unity
1.5 public controversies regarding reform s policies


the reform party s agenda profoundly influenced rejection of dominant notion @ time canada divided between english , french canada. reform party claimed thesis of 2 founding peoples flawed , preston manning called new canada new identity solve existing problems, , stated in book new canada (1992) , laid out solution:

the leaders of canada s traditional federal parties continue think of our country equal partnership between 2 founding races, english , french —a federation of founding peoples , ethnic groups distinguished official bilingualism, government-sponsored multiculturalism, , government enterprise. approach national unity grant special status canadians feel constitutionally or otherwise disadvantaged. old canada—and has become house divided against itself.

reformers seek new canada—a canada may defined balanced, democratic federation of provinces, distinguished sustainability of environment, viability of economy, acceptance of social responsibilities, , recognition of equality , uniqueness of of citizens , provinces. new canada must include new deal aboriginal peoples , new senate address problem of regional alienation. new canada must workable without quebec, must open , attractive enough include new quebec.

the reform party saw canadian federal government led liberal , progressive conservative parties being consistently indifferent western canada while focusing attention on eastern canada (especially quebec). noted national energy program of 1980s, introduced federal liberal government, involved major government intervention canada s energy markets regulate prices, resulting in economic losses alberta , benefits eastern canada. cited 1986 decision federal progressive conservative government contract construction of cf-18 military aircraft unprepared contractor in quebec rather ready contractor in winnipeg, manitoba. reformers, these events served evidence liberals , progressive conservatives consistently favoured eastern canada @ expense of western canada.

role of government
decentralization , senate reform

the reform party called decentralized canadian federation whereby provinces have more authority , advocated canadian federal government ensure provincial equality in canada such creating triple e senate canadian senate (upper house) become democratically elected chamber (then , senate continues appointed body, appointments still made governor general, following list offered prime minister) , each province have equal number of seats, no province have more power another. triple-e senate highly popular in western canada, alberta reform party drew large support.

reductions in government-provided services

the reform party called privatization of various government services party believed better provided private sector. these government services included number of state-owned corporations including canada post, canadian broadcasting corporation, , petro canada. reform party suggested canada s government-funded universal health insurance system replaced two-tier private , public health insurance system. preston manning asserted reform party committed ensuring canadians able access health insurance , health services.

economic policy
international trade policies

the reform party supported classical liberal economic plan including support free trade.

taxation policies

the reform party supported significant tax cuts citizens , businesses , opposed goods , services tax (gst).

social policy
aboriginal affairs

the reform party called major changes in federal government s relations aboriginal peoples, included dismantling department of indian affairs , transferring responsibilities directly aboriginal governing bodies lessen aboriginal peoples dependence on federal government.

gay rights

the reform party opposed extending marriage rights gays , lesbians. many members of reform party saw homosexuality moral wrong. reform leader preston manning himself once publicly stated homosexuality destructive individual, , in long run, society .

law , order

the party known have suggested potential return capital punishment, party in canada have done so.

immigration policy, language, , minority rights

the reform party advocated immigration policy based solely on economic needs of canada. reform s policy proposals immigration seen highly controversial in canada including policy pamphlet called blue sheet issued in mid-1991 stating reformers opposed immigration based on race or creed or designed radically or alter ethnic makeup of canada . statement considered controversial , subsequent reform party policy documents did not declare similar concern radical alteration of ethnic make-up of canada. controversy , others raised question on whether reform intolerant non-white people , whether party harboured racist members. subsequent repeated accounts of xenophobic , racist statements individual reform party supporters , members spread concern, though party continuously denied supported such views.

the reform party declared opposition existing government-funded , sponsored bilingualism , multiculturalism. reformers claimed efforts create bilingual country had not worked , language policy should provincial issue. reformers criticized government-sponsored multiculturalism creating hyphenated canadian identity, rather single canadian identity.

national unity

the reform party had major differences other major federal political parties in regards national unity, party did not treat francophone province of quebec in unique manner instead saw quebec 1 of provinces of canada , provinces should treated equally , no province should have special status. reform party unlike other major federal parties did not believe quebec secession should sought avoided @ costs , means because party believed amounted favouritism quebec. reformers believed canada continue exist without quebec, hoped offers of decentralization of federal powers provinces satisfy desire government of quebec greater autonomy while being equitable provinces.

public controversies regarding reform s policies

preston manning denied , reformers based policies on intolerant views, admitted reform party s populism had in inadvertent effect of drawing in intolerant people whom manning claimed had sought keep out of reform party. manning claimed committed purging extremists reform party father ernest manning had done alberta social credit party leader, in purging anti-semites social credit. manning stated during 1988 election faced such extremist had joined reform party named doug collins seeking nomination reform candidate, manning faced calls many reform party supporters condemned collins being racist , said leave party if nominated. manning responded sending letter constituency association called candidates accept reform party s denouncement of racism , demanded collins accept this, collins , supporters refused , subsequently failed win nomination.

in 1993, manning again confronted example of intolerance reform party candidate, toronto-area candidate john beck, made series of anti-immigrant remarks in interview excalibur, york university student paper. york students confronted manning remarks. within hour, beck forced withdraw candidacy. reform members of parliament (mp) such deborah grey joined manning in denouncing such intolerant people joined party. reform mps jan brown , stephen harper (who later become prime minister) in 1994 reform party convention went against majority of delegates of reform party refusing support motion called reform party oppose allowance of homosexual couples treated same heterosexual couples. in 1996, after reform mp bob ringma stated in newspaper interview store owners should free move gays , ethnics of shop , or fire them, if presence of individual offended bigoted customer , following reform mp david chatters remark acceptable school prevent homosexual person teaching in school, crisis erupted in reform party caucus after manning did not censure comments. reform mps jan brown , jim silye demanded manning reprimand ringma , chatters , both brown , silye threatened , other moderate reformers leave party if no reprimand taken. manning proceeded suspend ringma , chatters several months reprimanded brown , silye speaking out against party. brown , silye both subsequently left reform party , later ran progressive conservative candidates.

in spite of official objections intolerance party leadership , reformer mps, comments , decisions made @ party conventions reform party supporters on number of issues considered highly intolerant onlookers. in 1991, manning humiliated @ reform party rally when reform party supporter spoke in support of manning in racist terms, saying “you’re fine white person. know, letting in many people third world, low blacks, low hispanics. they’re going take on province”. later in same rally reform party supporter stood , said “let them [quebeckers] go. don’t need quebec.” long-time progressive conservative member , political commentator dalton camp observed 1994 reform party convention in ottawa , disgusted heard, saying: speechifying gives off acrid whiffs of xenophobia, homophobia, , paranoia—like exhaust—in seems clear both orator , audience have been seized private terror: immigrants, lesbians, people out of work or out of town , criminals. in reform party policy convention in 1995, manning urged members avoid extremism, , motion passed vote of delegates reform party recognized equality of every individual, after delegates demanded words without discrimination removed motion. 1995 convention went on reform party delegates controversially called removal of group specification in human rights legisiation accepted in convention 93 percent vote in favour. controversial motion in 1995 convention called tighter regulation of people infected hiv supported 84 percent of delegates. 1 reformer delegate raised concern such policy on hiv make party anti-homosexual, delegate responded saying did not join reform party bow down @ altar of political correctness .

the reform party plagued influx of intolerant people supported party s opposition government-funded multicultural programs , bilingual programs. have claimed large problem of intolerance in reform party not mere coincidence of policies of opposing government-sponsored multicultural programs deliberate intention reform party rally such intolerant people , push intolerant agenda. reform party s troubles involving intolerant people within party focused on media made party appear support such intolerance.

on issue of episodes of racism , extremism within reform party, manning himself recognized serious dangers political ideology of populism (which reform party supported) poses should racists , extremists infiltrate , spoke of serious need party repel such racism , extremism, saying that:

if revival of grassroots democratic populism characteristic of revitalization of canadian federal politics of 1990s, in quebec , west, of primary importance leaders versed in ways , means of preventing populism developing racist or other extremist overtones. (this, of course, number-one challenge facing attempting lead reform movements of eastern europe , soviet union.)

by 1997, reform party attempted shed negative public outlook on party s views on immigration , minority rights selecting multiple ethnic minority candidates run reform party candidates in 1997 federal election demonstrate reform party s policies not intended intolerant. result, multiple minorities became reform party members of parliament including rahim jaffer, became canada s first muslim member of parliament; gurmant grewal indo-canadian immigrated canada 6 years earlier in 1991; , inky mark, chinese-canadian. however, these attempts restore reform party s image tolerant political party damaged in 1997 federal election when reform party released controversial television advertisement faces of 4 quebec politicians: prime minister jean chrétien, bloc québécois leader gilles duceppe, progressive conservative leader jean charest, , separatist premier of quebec lucien bouchard crossed out followed message saying quebec politicians had dominated federal government long , reform party end favouritism towards quebec. advertisement harshly criticized other party leaders including accusations preston manning intolerant , bigot having permitted advertisement aired. manning has not held public negative view of quebec , in 1992 book, new canada, complemented quebec being open populist third parties, mentioning bloc populaire canadien, ralliement créditiste du québec, parti québécois, , bloc québécois examples of populist third parties in quebec.


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