Personal life Rush Limbaugh

1 personal life

1.1 prescription drug addiction
1.2 cigar aficionado
1.3 deafness

personal life

limbaugh has had 4 marriages, 3 divorces, , no children. first married @ age of 26 roxy maxine mcneely, sales secretary @ radio station whb in kansas city, missouri. married @ centenary united methodist church in limbaugh s hometown of cape girardeau on september 24, 1977. mcneely filed divorce in march 1980, citing incompatibility. formally divorced on july 10, 1980.

in 1983, limbaugh married michelle sixta, college student , usherette @ kansas city royals stadium club. divorced in 1990, , remarried following year.

on may 27, 1994, limbaugh married marta fitzgerald, 35-year-old aerobics instructor whom met on online service compuserve in 1990. married @ house of u.s. supreme court justice clarence thomas, officiated. separated on june 11, 2004. limbaugh announced divorce on air. finalized in december 2004. in september 2004, limbaugh became romantically involved then-cnn news anchor daryn kagan, , broke in february 2006.

limbaugh has lived in palm beach since 1996. friend recalls limbaugh fell in love palm beach...after visiting on memorial day weekend in 1995. unlike new york, florida not tax income, stated reason limbaugh moved residence , established southern command .

on december 30, 2009, while vacationing in honolulu, hawaii, limbaugh admitted queen s medical center intense chest pains. doctors attributed pain angina pectoris.

he dated kathryn rogers, party planner florida, 3 years before married on june 5, 2010. during wedding reception after ceremony, elton john entertained wedding guests reported $1 million fee; however, limbaugh himself denied $1 million figure accurate on september 7, 2010, radio show.

through holding company, karhl holdings (karhl meaning kathryn , rush hudson limbaugh ), limbaugh launched line of bottled iced tea beverages, entitled 2 if tea play on line henry wadsworth longfellow s paul revere s ride 1 if land, 2 if sea . karhl holdings features rush revere website children can send notes liberty, time-traveling, talking horse.

prescription drug addiction

on october 3, 2003, national enquirer reported limbaugh being investigated illegally obtaining prescription drugs oxycodone , hydrocodone. other news outlets confirmed investigation. admitted listeners on radio show on october 10, 2003, addicted prescription painkillers , stated enter inpatient treatment 30 days, after broadcast. limbaugh stated addiction painkillers resulted several years of severe pain heightened botched surgery intended correct problems.

a subsequent investigation whether limbaugh had violated florida s doctor shopping laws launched palm beach state attorney, raised privacy issues when investigators seized limbaugh s private medical records looking evidence of crimes. roy black, 1 of limbaugh s attorneys, stated rush limbaugh singled out prosecution because of is. believe state attorney s office applying double standard. on november 9, 2005, following 2 years of investigations, assistant state attorney james l. martz requested court set aside limbaugh s doctor–patient confidentiality rights , allow state question physicians. limbaugh s attorney opposed prosecutor s efforts interview doctors on basis of patient privacy rights, , argued prosecutor had violated limbaugh s fourth amendment rights illegally seizing medical records. american civil liberties union issued statement in agreement , filed amicus curiae brief in support of limbaugh. on december 12, 2005, judge david f. crow delivered ruling prohibiting state of florida questioning limbaugh s physicians medical condition of patient , information disclosed health care practitioner patient in course of care , treatment of patient.

on april 28, 2006, warrant issued arrest on charge of doctor shopping. according teri barbera, spokeswoman sheriff, during arrest, limbaugh booked, photographed, , fingerprinted, not handcuffed. released after hour on $3,000 bail. after surrender, filed not guilty plea charge. prosecutors explained charges brought after discovered received 2,000 painkillers, prescribed 4 doctors in 6 months, @ pharmacy near palm beach mansion. in 2009, after 3 years of prolonged discussion regarding settlement, prosecutors agreed drop charge if limbaugh paid $30,000 defray cost of investigation, completed 18-month therapy regimen physician, submitted random drug testing, , gave right own firearm eighteen months. limbaugh agreed settlement, though continued maintain innocence of doctor shopping , asserted state s offer resulted lack of evidence supporting charge.

before addiction became known, limbaugh had condemned illegal drug use on television program, stating drug use, might say, destroying country... , if people violating law doing drugs, ought accused , ought convicted , ought sent up.

in june 2006, limbaugh detained drug enforcement agents @ palm beach international airport. customs officials confiscated viagra limbaugh s luggage returning dominican republic. prescription not in limbaugh s name. after released no charges filed, limbaugh joked incident on radio show, claiming got viagra @ clinton library , told blue m&m s. stated had great time in dominican republic. wish tell it.

cigar aficionado

in 1990s, when cigar boom gaining momentum, limbaugh seen cigar in hand , end of 1990s, cigars had become limbaugh s staple in many public appearances. starting segments of show phrase, amid billowing clouds of fragrant , aromatic first, second , third-hand premium cigar smoke mentioning story print-out in formerly nicotine-stained fingers, cigars became common topic of discussion. in spring of 1994, limbaugh appeared on cover of magazine cigar aficionado , shared story of conversion cigars. has since been frequent participant in many events such big smoke, hosted throughout year magazine. limbaugh has participated in many charity cigar auctions hosted magazine, , known talk listeners , cigar interests, preferences , recommendations. think cigars tremendous addition enjoyment of life. seen in studio smoking cigar during show.


rush limbaugh has described himself being 100 percent, totally deaf. in 2001, limbaugh announced had lost of ability hear: cannot hear television. cannot hear music. am, practical purposes, deaf – , s happened in 3 months. said condition not genetic. diagnosed autoimmune inner ear disease (aied) , medications failed work. on december 19, 2001, doctors @ house ear clinic in los angeles able restore measure of hearing through cochlear implant surgery. limbaugh received clarion cii bionic ear.

when questioned whether limbaugh s sudden hearing loss caused addiction opioids, cochlear implant doctor, otolaryngologist jennifer derebery, said possible there no way know sure without performing tests destroy limbaugh s hearing completely. don t know why people, apparently not most, take large doses may lose hearing .

in 2005, limbaugh forced undergo tuning due eye twitch, apparent side-effect of cochlear implants.

on april 8, 2014, on radio program, limbaugh announced decision go bilateral. m going implant on right side, said. after bilateral tuning, there 100% improvement. coming total deafness, miraculous! how can not believe in god? limbaugh said in national daily broadcast.


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