Age Confirmation in the Catholic Church

bishop anoints young adult using oil of chrism

in church, through middle ages, confirmation closely linked baptism , performed on infants before first birthday, in churches, minimal age of 10 years comes play. baptism, confirmation act parents held responsible. 2 synods held in england during thirteenth century differed on whether confirmation had administered within 1 year after birth, or within 3 years. confirmation became more important rite when concerns understanding , faith grew, in particular following reformation.

after fourth lateran council, communion, continued given after confirmation, administered on reaching age of reason. time after 13th century, age of confirmation , communion began delayed further, seven, twelve , fifteen. 1917 code of canon law, while recommending confirmation delayed until 7 years of age, allowed given @ earlier age. on 30 june 1932 official permission given change traditional order of 3 sacraments of christian initiation: sacred congregation sacraments allowed, necessary, confirmation administered after first holy communion. novelty, seen exceptional, became more , more accepted practice. thus, in mid-20th century, confirmation began seen occasion professing personal commitment faith on part of approaching adulthood.

however, catechism of catholic church, 1308 warns: although confirmation called sacrament of christian maturity, must not confuse adult faith adult age of natural growth, nor forget baptismal grace grace of free, unmerited election , not need ratification become effective.

on canonical age confirmation in latin or western catholic church, present (1983) code of canon law, maintains unaltered rule in 1917 code, specifies sacrament conferred on faithful @ age of discretion (generally taken 7), unless episcopal conference has decided on different age, or there danger of death or, in judgement of minister, grave reason suggests otherwise (canon 891 of code of canon law). code prescribes age of discretion sacraments of penance , first holy communion.

since second vatican council, setting of later age, e.g. mid-teens in united states, teens in ireland , britain, has been abandoned in places in favour of restoring traditional order of 3 sacraments of christian initiation. later age has been set, bishop may not refuse confer sacrament on younger children request it, provided baptized, have use of reason, suitably instructed , disposed , able renew baptismal promises (letter of congregation divine worship , discipline of sacraments published in 1999 bulletin, pages 537–540).


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