Minister of the sacrament Eucharist in the Catholic Church
roman catholic priest in sicily distributing eucharist child @ first holy communion
the minister of eucharist (someone can consecrate eucharist) validly ordained priest (bishop or presbyter). acts in person of christ, representing christ, head of church, , acts before god in name of church. several priests may concelebrate same offering of eucharist.
others, not priests, may act extraordinary ministers of holy communion, distributing sacrament others, not ministers of eucharist, ordinary or extraordinary. reason of sacred ordination, ordinary ministers of holy communion bishop, priest , deacon, whom belongs therefore administer holy communion lay members of christ s faithful during celebration of mass. in addition ordinary ministers there formally instituted acolyte, virtue of institution extraordinary minister of holy communion outside celebration of mass. if, moreover, reasons of real necessity prompt it, lay member of christ s faithful may delegated diocesan bishop, in accordance norm of law, 1 occasion or specified time. finally, in special cases of unforeseen nature, permission can given single occasion priest presides @ celebration of eucharist.
extraordinary ministers of holy communion not called eucharistic ministers , extraordinary ones, since imply they, too, somehow transubstantiate bread , wine body , blood of christ.
extraordinary ministers may distribute holy communion @ eucharistic celebrations when there no ordained ministers present or when ordained ministers present @ liturgical celebration unable distribute holy communion. may exercise function @ eucharistic celebrations there particularly large numbers of faithful , excessively prolonged because of insufficient number of ordained ministers distribute holy communion. when there necessity may extraordinary ministers assist priest celebrant in accordance norm of law.
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