Venture capitalist career Rick Scott

1 venture capitalist career

1.1 america s health network (ahn)
1.2 solantic
1.3 pharmaca
1.4 other work

venture capitalist career

after departure columbia/hca in 1997, launched richard l. scott investments, based in naples, florida (originally in stamford, connecticut), has stakes in health care, manufacturing , technology companies. between 1998 , 2001, scott purchased 50% of cyberguard corporation approximately $10 million. among investors metro nashville finance director david manning.

in 2006, cyberguard sold secure computing more $300 million. in february 2005, purchased continental structural plastics, inc. (csp) in detroit, michigan. in july 2006, csp purchased budd plastics thyssenkrupp, making continental structural plastics largest industrial composites molder in north america.

in 2005-06, scott provided initial round of funding of $3 million (named first 3 letters of 2 daughters names), offered hospitals, physicians, , other health care providers opportunity post information prices, hours, locations, insurance accepted, , personal backgrounds online. scott co-founded company 1 of daughters, allison.

in 2008, alijor sold healthgrades. in may 2008, scott purchased drives, 1 of world s leading independent designers , manufacturers of heavy-duty drive chain-based products , assemblies industrial , agricultural applications , precision-engineered augers agricultural, material handling, construction , related applications. scott reportedly has interest in chain of family fun centers/bowling alleys, s&s family entertainment, in kentucky , tennessee led larry schmittou, minor league baseball team owner.

america s health network (ahn)

in july 1997, columbia/hca healthcare purchased controlling interest in america s health network (ahn), first 24-hour health care cable channel. pulled out of deal on day of closing because scott , vanderwater terminated, caused immediate layoffs of more 250 people in orlando. later same year, scott became majority owner of ahn.

in 1998, scott , former columbia/hca healthcare president david vandewater led group of investors gave ahn major infusion of cash company continue operate. 1999, network available in 9.5 million american homes.

in mid-1999 ahn merged fit tv, subsidiary of fox; combination renamed health network. later year, in deal between news corp. , webmd, latter received half-ownership of health network. webmd planned relaunch health network webmd television in fall of 2000, new programming, company announced cutbacks , restructuring in september 2000, and, in january 2001, news corp. regained 100% ownership. in september 2001, fox cable networks group sold health network main rival, discovery health channel, $155 million in cash plus 10 percent equity stake in discovery health.


solantic, based in jacksonville, florida, co-founded in 2001 scott , karen bowling, former television anchor whom scott met after columbia bought memorial hospital (in jacksonville) in 1995.

solantic opened first urgent care center in 2002. provides urgent care services, immunizations, physicals, drug screening, , care injured workers. corporation attracts patients not have insurance, cannot appointments primary care physicians, or not have primary care physicians. solantic alternative emergency room care these types of patients seek, or not seeing doctor @ all. in 2006, scott said plans solantic establish national brand of medical clinics.

in august 2007, company received $40 million investment private equity firm , said expected open 35 clinics end of 2009, annual revenues of $100 million once these clinics open, compared $20 million @ time. of march 2009, solantic had 24 centers, located in florida.

solantic target of employment discrimination suit, claimed there had been policy not hire elderly or obese applicants, preferring mainstream candidates. settled undisclosed sum on may 23, 2007. scott responded salon regarding claims of discrimination pointing out 53 percent of solantic s employees white, 20 percent black , 17 percent hispanic.


in 2003, scott invested $5.5 million in pharmaca integrative pharmacies, operates drugstores/pharmacies offer vitamins, herbal medicine, skin products, homeopathic medicines, , prescriptions. other investors in pharmaca reportedly include tom stemberg, founder , former ceo of staples, , arthur blank, co-founder of home depot.

other work

in 1990s, scott partner of george w. bush co-owner of texas rangers.

scott served member of national board of directors of united way of america 1997 2003.

scott founded , managed naples, florida-headquartered novosan, marketer of viosan health generation food supplements, have been criticized alternative medicine critic , quackwatch webmaster stephen barrett being promoted non-explicit suggestions cure various diseases when such promotion in fact illegal according federal law.


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