Academic programs Southern Connecticut State University

1 academic programs

1.1 teacher education
1.2 nursing
1.3 liberal education program
1.4 study abroad
1.5 school of arts , sciences

academic programs

acceptance rate:64.6%(2015), average sat scores in each section: writing:420-520(2014), reading:420-520(2014), math:410-510(2014)

tuition: of 2017 tuition follows: in-state-$10,538 out of state-$23,226

teacher education

in keeping origins teachers college, southern connecticut state university remains center teacher education. southern school in connecticut offer master s degree concentration in autism spectrum disorders. university received approval first doctoral program, ed.d. in educational leadership.


nclex passing rates southern students hover between 90 , 100 percent in past 3 decades.

liberal education program

the lep program requirement majors consists of electives. program meant expose students different types of classes outside side of major. broken 3 tiers of classes , accounts 42 credits of student s degree. tier 1 includes inquiry 101, writing 102 , couple other basic classes tiered towards freshman. requires 200 level language course in of 10 different language courses. have class learning american sign language. tier 2 broken 9 different categories. students required take 1 class each category. categories include american experience, cultural expression, creative drive, global awareness, mind , body, natural world , ii, social structure, , time , place. tier 3 considered capstone , 1 class needed taken. student s major requires 300 or 400 level course in major complete cap stone. every major required take 3 w or written intensive courses before graduating.

study abroad

scsu offers variety programs students wish take studies outside of united states. extended exchange programs include baden wuerttemberg (germany), queen margaret university (scotland) ho chi minh city university of pedagogy (vietnam), east china normal university , hunan univ. of chinese medicine (china), university of patras (greece), ben-gurion university (israel) , universidad pontificia de salamanca (spain).

scsu offers professor-lead study abroad programs on summer, winter, , spring vacations, lasting anywhere 2–4 weeks , awarding 6 credits. programs include (but not limited to) france, china, belize, bermuda, england, amsterdam guatemala, iceland, jamaica, laos, spain, , italy.

scsu has joined institute of international education s generation study abroad campaign. 2020, scsu has pledged double study abroad participation.

school of arts , sciences

art: scsu offers 3 types of degrees in arts. art education, art history, , studio arts. each degree has several concentrations.
athletic training
biology: scsu has multiple degrees biology both undergraduates , graduates. undergraduate programs include general biology both ba , bs, biology secondary education, , biotechnology.
computer science
earth science
english: scsu offers education english majors , minors having 1 of dynamic studies @ scsu offering specializations in literature, creative writing, , professional writing.
environmental geography & marine studies
exercise science
forensic science
history: history department @ scsu offers bachelor of arts or bachelor of science degree master of arts , master of science degree. teaching students american, european, , non-western history.
humanities: humanity courses offered @ southern connecticut state university english, foreign languages, , philosophy.
interdisciplinary studies
media studies
political science
psychology: psychology department offers bachelor s , master s degree programs in psychology. @ undergraduate level, students able tailor courses have general focus or more of specialization in mental health.
women s studies
world languages , literature

^ scsu special education program gets boost . retrieved 29 july 2012. 
^ nursing department accelerated career entry program (ace) . retrieved 29 july 2012. 
^ study abroad southern students . retrieved 2016-07-27. 
^ summer short-term programs . retrieved 2016-07-27. 


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