Women and Torah reading Torah reading

1 women , torah reading

1.1 orthodox congregations
1.2 modern orthodox innovations
1.3 conservative, reform, reconstructionist, , renewal

women , torah reading
orthodox congregations

in great majority of orthodox congregations, men called torah, in keeping passage in talmud that, while women potentially called, not call woman on account of kevod hatzibur” (the dignity of congregation; megillah 23a). term interpreted traditional sources mean woman read torah slight community because appear others men in community not educated enough read torah because assumed community not have woman read torah if there men so. recent apologists have suggested kevod hatzibur refers honor of community torah being read, i.e. attention should focused solely on reading. and, men unable concentrate on reading when being read women, kevod hatzibur (for torah) damaged when woman leads. clashes rema, authoritative source ashkenazi jewish practice, discusses source (282:3) remarking ruling regarding women applies male non-jewish slaves well. rema, in same location, further distinguishes between honor community (kevod hatzibur) , honor torah (kevod hatorah) on prohibition of giving aliyah rich respected unlearned man before learned torah scholar.

modern orthodox innovations

a small number of modern orthodox congregations have added all-female prayer groups women permitted read. in addition, following recent publication of opinions modern orthodox rabbi mendel shapiro , bar-ilan university talmud professor , modern orthodox rabbi daniel sperber claiming halakha permits women participate in regular torah reading on shabbat under conditions, small number of congregations identifying modern orthodox, called partnership minyanim , have begun permitting women take on role. argument involved controversial , orthodox authorities , organizations not agree it.

in congregations call women torah through either women s minyan or partnership minyan, girls attain bat mitzvah @ age of 12 in other orthodox congregations rather 13 (as in conservative , liberal congregations). in all-women s services, customary call bat kohen (daughter of kohen) , bat levi (daughter of levite) first , second aliyah. in partnership minyan services, men called kohen , levi aliyah.

conservative, reform, reconstructionist, , renewal

most not conservative congregations permit women have aliyah @ least part of reading. many conservative congregations, , reform, reconstructionist, , renewal congregations, practice complete gender egalitarianism. contrary orthodox stance calling women torah detract dignity of congregation, non-orthodox jews tend firmly believe practice adds dignity of congregation.


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