Activities Centre for Child Protection

1 activities

1.1 training , education

1.1.1 e-learning: safeguarding: our commitment, programme prevention of sexual abuse of minors
1.1.2 diploma course

1.2 research , scientific publications
1.3 conferences


the first mission of ccp safeguard dignity of minors, educating protect them kinds of abuses , attempt violate integrity, both within catholic church , in society. end, centre has undertaken numerous activities, giving emphasis research academic formation , training. has developed e-learning programme, adjusted respective cultural, linguistic, , legal situations of diverse international contexts. centre works in interdisciplinary research projects concerning safeguarding minors. collaborates international academic network doctoral students in various fields (psychology, theology, spirituality, canon law, social sciences, etc.).

initiatives include:

training , education

the 2 main projects of ccp are: development of e-learning programme , implementation of intensive face-to-face course (diploma course).

e-learning: safeguarding: our commitment, programme prevention of sexual abuse of minors

the ccp offers multilingual , multicultural e-learning training , qualification on different levels of expertise (academic , non-academic levels) pastoral professions, church leaders, social workers, teachers, , university students. web-based, certified education , training programme offered in 5 languages (english, italian, german, french, , spanish). provides learning modules, can adapted worldwide meet contextual needs. centre has partners in argentina, chile, ecuador, germany, ghana, india, italy, kenya, mexico, , uruguay.

diploma course

the diploma course aims @ training people involved in field of safeguarding such safeguarding officers, advisors, , collaborators in different places dioceses, religious congregations, , educational institutions. provides training future trainers in field of safeguarding in seminaries, formation houses, schools, etc. centre completed first session of diploma course on 14 june 2016 participation of 19 students 15 countries , 4 continents. @ commencement ceremony, german government s independent commissioner on child sexual abuse, johannes-wilhelm rörig, gave keynote address.

research , scientific publications

the ccp has set research centre oriented towards 2 major fields of study, mapping situation of child abuse in different parts of world , human formation in seminary formation. centre has published many scientific works:

toward healing , renewal: 2012 symposium on sexual abuse of minors held @ pontifical gregorian university. available in 12 languages
se relever après l abus sexuel. accompagnement psycho-spirituel des survivants, (soins et spiritualités 5) lumen vitae, bruxelles, 2014
child sexual abuse in context of roman catholic church: review of literature 1981–2013
als wonden kunnen helen. een christelijke benadering van seksueel misbruik, brussel, 2015
the “centre child protection” of gregorian university/rome. first experiences, results , reflections in setting global e-learning program prevention of sexual abuse of minors
church , abuse of minors. available in 9 languages
articles , books fr prof. dr hans zollner
articles , books prof. dr karlijn demasure
articles , books dr katharina a. fuchs


the centre both organizes , participates in international conferences , symposiums.

most notably symposium towards healing , renewal organized 6 – 9 february 2012 @ gregorian university in rome, attended approximately 220 people: 91 bishops, 80 priests, 15 female religious, , lay men , women related experience (victims, psychotherapists, lawyers, etc.). since 2015 ccp has hosted , co-organized anglophone safeguarding conferences. in 2017 there important symposium on child dignity in digital world .


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