History Sleepy Hollow Cemetery (Concord, Massachusetts)

a sign cemetery

sleepy hollow designed in 1855 noted landscape architects cleveland , copeland, , has been in use ever since. dedicated on september 29, 1855; ralph waldo emerson gave dedication speech , buried there decades later. both designers of cemetery had decades-long friendships many leaders of transcendentalism movement , reflected in design.

sleepy hollow natural garden designed in keeping emerson s aesthetic principles, writes joachim wolschke-bulmahn in nature , ideology. in 1855, landscape designer robert morris copeland delivered address entitled usefull [sic] , beautiful, tying principles of naturalistic, organic garden design emerson s transcendentalist principles. shortly, afterward, copeland , partner retained concord cemetery committee, of emerson active member, design cemetery growing community.

on september 29, 1855, emerson delivered opening address of cemetery s consecration. in lauded designers work. garden of living, said emerson, benefit living, communicate relationship natural world, honor dead. situating monuments dead within natural landscape, architects conveyed message, said emerson. cemetery not jealously guard few atoms under immense marbles, selfishly , impossibly sequestering [them] vast circulations of nature [which] recompenses new life [each decomposing] particle.

known sleepy hollow 20 years prior use cemetery, emerson told audience @ consecration ceremony september day in concord, when these acorns, falling @ our feet, oaks overshadowing our children in remote century, mute green bank full of history: good, wise, , great have left names , virtues on trees... have made air tuneable , articulate.

to realize vision, emerson noted cemetery s designers had fitted walks , drives site s natural amphitheater. left of original natural vegetation in place, instead of removing , replanting ornamental shrubs, case. several years after emerson s address, visitor new cemetery noted abundance of wild plants such woodbine, raspberry, , goldenrod, natural moss , roots of pine trees left in situ designers.

the melvin memorial, known mourning victory, sculpted daniel chester french marks grave of 3 brothers killed in civil war.

melvin memorial (1908) (daniel chester french, sculptor; henry bacon, architect)

people still being buried there. of newer portion of cemetery leads path system connects great meadows national wildlife refuge.


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