Domestic policy Party of Regions

party of regions flags in donetsk, 2010

the party supports affordable housing through state mortgages 3% annual percentage rate, social contracts employers, financial aid newborns (to doubled in 2017), perinatal centers in each region , upgrading of maternity homes.

the party supports @ least 75-percent placement in higher-educational institutions, minimum-wage student stipend, minimum 20-percent annual raise in educator salaries , universal internet access. in labor, party supports subsidizing employers of disabled, orphans, single mothers , workers on age 50; training unemployed occupations labor shortages; providing internships students; giving young professionals first job, , median salary of ₴8,000 2017.

the party supports median salary of ₴8,000 physicians , ₴5,500 other medical personnel, reducing basic-medicine prices 30 percent, providing access medicines patients cancer, heart disease, tuberculosis , hiv/aids, mobile medical facilities in rural areas, treatment , rehabilitation people limited physical abilities , new pools, stadiums, ice arenas , sports fields in regions.

the party supports comfortable, affordable housing; security senior citizens; repayment of deposits in sberbank of ussr ₴5,000 2017; minimum pension 20 percent on poverty threshold, , significant pension increases military , law-enforcement personnel. in environmental sector, party supports completion of shelter project chernobyl nuclear power plant 2015, installation of 20,000 centralized water-purification systems , recycling plants in each region.


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