2011 Smartphone patent wars

^ microsoft sues barnes & noble on android in nook.
^ nokia files second itc complaint against apple.
^ escalation: nokia files new itc complaint against apple (plus corresponding federal lawsuit), foss patents.
^ apple samsung: stop stealing ideas . cnn.com. retrieved april 19, 2011. 
^ apple sues samsung: complete lawsuit analysis.
^ samsung countersues apple patent infringement.
^ samsung sues apple infringing 10 patents: closer look.
^ samsung must show cell phones apple.
^ judge orders samsung give apple unreleased tablets, smartphones.
^ samsung’s lawyers demand see iphone 5 , ipad 3.
^ nokia wins apple patent-license deal cash, settles lawsuits.
^ apple settles nokia in patent lawsuit.
^ staff reporter, apple alleges samsung of ‘slavishly copying’ technology; questions new galaxy tab 10.1 , international business times, june 19, 2011.
^ shocker: samsung not allowed see iphone 5 , ipad 3.
^ microsoft , general dynamics itronix sign patent agreement: agreement cover general dynamics itronix devices running android platform . microsoft.com. june 27, 2011. retrieved january 5, 2012. 
^ foss patents: android device makers sign microsoft patent licensees -- overview of situation.
^ microsoft , velocity micro, inc., sign patent agreement covering android-based devices: agreement provides broad coverage of microsoft s patent portfolio . microsoft.com. june 29, 2011. retrieved january 5, 2012. 
^ dealtalk: google bid pi nortel patents , lost.
^ nortel announces winning bidder of patent portfolio purchase price of us$4.5 billion.
^ won 6,000+ nortel patents? apple, rim, microsoft — google.
^ microsoft , onkyo corp. sign patent agreement covering android-based tablets: agreement provides broad coverage of microsoft s patent portfolio . microsoft.com. retrieved january 5, 2012. 
^ apple files motion preliminary injunction in u.s. against 4 samsung products: infuse 4g, galaxy s 4g, droid charge, galaxy tab 10.1.
^ itc ruling mixed in s3 graphics v. apple.
^ microsoft , wistron sign patent agreement: agreement cover wistron s android tablets, smartphones , e-readers . microsoft.com. july 5, 2011. retrieved january 5, 2012. 
^ microsoft patent division taking cash @ least 5 android vendors.
^ dailytech - via, wti sell stakes in s3 graphics htc.
^ htc acquire chip designer s3 graphics, securing patents in apple fight - bloomberg.
^ htc facing backlash s3 acquisition.
^ microsoft wants samsung pay smartphone license.
^ htc’s flyer tablet, droid accused of infringing apple patents - bloomberg.
^ foss patents: apple files second itc complaint against htc: better luck next time?.
^ google acquires on 1,000 ibm patents in july.
^ google s new patents ibm.
^ bad news android: itc rules htc violated 2 apple patents - john paczkowski - news - allthingsd.
^ apple lawsuit puts samsung tablet sales in australia on hold.
^ samsung s official comment on australian galaxy tab 10.1 situation extremely weak.
^ tsukayama, hayley (august 10, 2011). samsung galaxy tab 10.1 imports banned in of europe . washington post. retrieved august 11, 2011. 
^ preliminary injunction granted german court: apple blocks samsung galaxy tab 10.1 in entire european union except netherlands.
^ microsoft files ban imports of motorola smartphones . android , me. retrieved december 10, 2011. 
^ womack, brian (august 22, 2011). motorola value found in 18 patents used against apple: tech . bloomberg. retrieved december 10, 2011. 
^ leske, nicola (august 16, 2011). samsung galaxy tablet ban lifted in of europe . reuters. retrieved august 16, 2011. 
^ samsung galaxy tab ban on hold . bbc. august 16, 2011. retrieved august 16, 2011. 
^ google , ibm again: google acquires on 1,000 patents ibm in august.
^ microsoft asks import ban on motorola smartphones.
^ microsoft files ban imports of motorola smartphones . android , me. retrieved december 10, 2011. 
^ euro ban samsung galaxy phone.
^ samsung puts galaxy 10.1 tablet on hold apple wins german court order.
^ foss patents: apple itc: andy rubin got inspiration android framework while working @ apple, hence infringes apple api patent.
^ milford, phil (september 8, 2011). htc sues apple using google patents bought last week battle escalates . bloomberg. retrieved december 10, 2011. 
^ google hands htc patents use against apple in smartphone wars.
^ patel, nilay (september 7, 2011). htc sues apple patent infringement… using patents purchased google . thisismynext.com. retrieved january 5, 2012. 
^ google gets hands dirty - apple 2.0 - fortune tech.
^ microsoft , acer sign patent license agreement: agreement cover acer s android tablets , smartphones . microsoft.com. september 8, 2011. retrieved january 5, 2012. 
^ microsoft , viewsonic sign patent agreement: agreement cover viewsonic s android tablets , smartphones . microsoft.com. september 8, 2011. retrieved january 5, 2012. 
^ microsoft ropes 2 more oems android patent deal . zdnet.com. retrieved january 5, 2012. 
^ tu, janet i. (september 8, 2011). microsoft signs android patent agreements acer, viewsonic . seattletimes.nwsource.com. retrieved january 5, 2012. 
^ matussek, karin (september 9, 2011). apple wins german ban on samsung tablet . bloomberg.com. retrieved january 5, 2012. 
^ latest samsung lawsuit targets apple s iphone, ipad in france . appleinsider. september 13, 2011. retrieved january 5, 2012. 
^ meyer, david (september 14, 2011). apple sues samsung in uk on android | zdnet uk . zdnet.co.uk. retrieved january 5, 2012. 
^ uspto assignments on web . assignments.uspto.gov. retrieved january 5, 2012. 
^ samsung fires @ apple in australia countersuit against iphone, ipad . appleinsider.com. retrieved january 5, 2012. 
^ microsoft , samsung broaden smartphone partnership: agreements mark new initiatives promote windows phone , share intellectual property . microsoft.com. september 28, 2011. retrieved january 5, 2012. 
^ our licensing deal samsung: how ip drives innovation , collaboration - microsoft on issues - site home - technet blogs.
^ florian mueller (september 28, 2011). foss patents: samsung takes android patent license microsoft rather wait motorola . fosspatents.blogspot.com. retrieved january 5, 2012. 
^ apple wins injunction blocking sale of galaxy tab 10.1 in australia . mac rumors. october 12, 2011. retrieved january 5, 2012. 
^ microsoft , quanta computer sign patent agreement covering android , chrome-based devices - redmond, wash., oct. 13, 2011 /prnewswire/ . washington: prnewswire.com. retrieved january 5, 2012. 
^ microsoft inks android patent deal, time quanta | techcrunch.
^ levine, dan (october 13, 2011). u.s. judge says samsung tablets infringe apple patents . reuters.com. retrieved january 5, 2012. 


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