IGN French cartography

recent developments

its activities abroad begin 1986 within new subsidiary private company ign france international.

from 2000, ign develops concept of reference frame on large scale (référentiel à grande échelle = rge); question of completing within deadline short digitalization cartography of french territory meter scale , according 4 components: topography, land registry , address. rge entirely completed @ end of 2008. enter in cycle of maintenance in june 2006, ign opened service géoportail allowing cartographic visualization of french territory on web navigator , using on 1 hand funds of air photographs , on other hand digitized maps 1/25 000. “phase 2” of géoportail put on line 1 year later, new ergonomics.

at end of 2006, ign implied in production of receiver gps, excursion , automobile navigation, called evadeo. software of navigation provided bci navigation (replaced in 2008 compegps), road data of navteq , puce gps of sirf, , ign provides part extracts of maps @ various scales.

in june 2007, ign started offering service whereby possible have map printed centred on location in france. similar service offered in great britain ordnance survey.

in july 2007, géportail - online map service - began offering 3d movable views in similar style googleearth. use function, necessary install plugin terraexplorer.


the ign successor geographical service of army (sga), founded in 1887 , disbanded in 1940. old maps produced sca divided 2 batches: 1 remained @ institute , 1 joined military files of vincennes. general louis hurault, @ origin of these modifications, first director of ign. tried, in vain, recover material shared germans. law in ten articles signed 14 in order define functions of ign. statutes had been signed 8. established, in example, national school of geographical sciences in order train cartographical engineers.

during second world war, ign became famous counterfeiters. cartographers indeed experts in penmanship , material necessary production of fake identity papers available institute. engineers of ign in contact services of allied information based in london. in secret, brought complete set of maps london covering france , north africa in order replace maps destroyed in bombardment.

the agents of ign took active part in armed resistance in 1943. several agents shot germans or died in action. between september 1944 , on may 8, 1945, ign under control of “provisional government” , of personnel , of services transformed “military geographical service”. @ end of war, ign received of generals bradley , eisenhower.

between 1945 , 1946, debate intense concerning future of ign, last creation of third republic. law signed 8. confirms membership of ign ministry of works , create “geographical section of staff of army”, new section in charge of military map.

in 1947, ign receives mission of covering whole france, dependents’ territories, north africa, western africa, madagascar, countries associated indochina , departments , overseas territories. task considerable more 12 million km ² being covered. independence of these countries have consequence creation of national services in each country (examples: dtgc in senegal, ign-n in niger).

the ign initiates period of active co-operation majority of these organizations providing engineers of ign , receive students of ensg intended become executives of cartographic services of new independent countries. activity of ign apart french territory develops control geodesic project(ecuador 1975, libya 1979, saudi arabia 1981), of cartography (saudi arabia, burundi, senegal, mali, ivory coast, togo, benin…).

1982 1988, control of large topometric project , numerical cartography in riyadh occasion massively introduce digital techniques processing production; in parallel, idea of topoland data base emerges @ meetings of “national commission of geographical information” chaired guy lengagne; commission returns report in 1983 , outlines numerical geographical information in agreement period of basic map 1:25 000. publicly owned establishment related administration since january 1, 1967, placed under supervision of ministry transport, equipment, tourism , sea.

in 1971, ign , cnes form “group of research of geodesic space”. collaboration between ign , cnes continues launching of program spot 5. launching of satellite spot-1 takes place 22.six days after take spot-1 in orbit, ign create programme of “data bases launches”, “data bases”. data base of cities, data base of leveling distribution, data base of geodesic distribution, aerial missions data base , toponyms data base progressively establish . “topo data base”, bases of topographic data digitized, covers on whole

france , include 2 million toponyms .


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