History Corregidor Island Lighthouse

1 history

1.1 spanish colonial era
1.2 american colonial period
1.3 world war ii

spanish colonial era

the 2 light stations, corregidor , caballo, second oldest lighthouses established in country after lighthouse @ mouth of pasig river.

the establishment of lighthouse station on island of corregidor recommended in year 1835 during administration of governor pascual enrile y alcedo. construction not authorized, however, until 1846 passing of royal order of april 14 spanish government. lighthouse not completed until 1853 - eighteen years after recommendation of construction had been made.

on january 18, 1853, notice mariners released announcing start of service on february 1, 1853 second-order light on corregidor, fourth-order light on caballo island. both lighthouses equipped lighting apparatus henry lepaute of paris. white light on summit of corregidor revolved once every ten or twenty seconds, , visible in clear weather distance of 20 miles. later, fixed white light shown white tower on west mole head, @ entrance bay on north side of island.

in 1897, aging lighting apparatus replaced provisional light of same character, of less power, before installation of new permanent light exhibited on august 1, 1897. new apparatus flashed white , red light, showing white , red flashes alternately every ten seconds, separated total eclipses, , visible 36 miles in clear weather.

the lighthouse in 1899 during philippine-american war

american colonial period

when americans took control of country, newly established bureau of coast guard , coast guard made complete tour of country, inspecting lighthouses , stations in archipelago in 1902. lighthouses found urgently needing repairs preserve condition, make stations efficient , habitable. in corregidor, repairs done rehabilitate dwellings , tower, , bamboo fence erected.

the main construction works in 1903 renovating old buildings, , construction of new quarters light station. school of apprentices established in manila previous year train competent lighthouse keepers, using corregidor lighthouse training station. 3 frame buildings quarters , kitchens erected.

the year after, small party sent station make more minor repairs doors, windows, , drains, part of appropriation acts 807 , 1049.

in 1905, bamboo fence @ corregidor light station being found in bad condition , replaced posts , boards. system of gutters changed increase water supply. latrine built, new floors put in keepers dwellings damaged termites.

with funds approval of act no. 1225 lighthouse maintenance, applied purchase of necessary parts paris convert polygonal lantern @ corregidor cylindrical lantern diminish interval between flashes ten 5 seconds , replace wick burner incandescent system.

in 1908, corregidor island became u.s. military installation , designated fort mills part of harbor defense of manila bay. americans started fortifying island main naval defense fort bay in case of war.

world war ii

on december 8, 1941, day japanese invaded philippines, lighthouses on corregidor, caballo, , monja island extinguished agreed navy , harbor defense commander.

from december 16, corregidor lighthouse used navy facilitate entrance of submarines carrying supplies , ammunition troops on island authorized general douglas macarthur. light shown first ten minutes of each one-half hour on secret schedule furnished navy each entry. white light shown , on fixed specified azimuth. submarine passes through controlled mine fields, inshore patrol coordinating harbor defense put mines on safe , marking buoys illuminated searchlights.

the first damage lighthouse happened on january 14 around noon when 2 flights of bombers, 9 each, bombed topside. lighthouse , surrounding buildings damaged light still operable using kerosene lamp.

during fight liberation japanese, island heavily bombed leaving every building in island in ruins. lighthouse did not survive bombardment.

the lighthouse solar powered lantern


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