China Child-selling

parents selling children during northern chinese famine of 1876–79, drawn 1878

according frank dikötter, in 1953 or 1954, when there starvation, across country people sold children , 1950 report chinese communist party on shanghai deplored ... sale of children due joblessness and, dikötter continued, sale of children many of unemployed occurred in south china, near changchun families sold children , in 1953 during famine in provinces desperate parents bartered children , , 1 price in 1950– 53 in nanhe county handful of grain , price in 1953 or 1954 having been 50 yuan, enough father (the seller) buy rice last through famine.

according 2006 report, low-income families , unwed mothers sell babies, girls, in underground market in china, , sales parents want servants, more children, or future brides sons. relatively few chinese brokers caught , prosecuted.

according 2007 english newspaper report, in china, 190 children snatched every day, chinese government did not acknowledge extent of problem or cause of problem.

according 2013 english-language chinese newspaper report, chen shiqu, director of chinese ministry of public security s human trafficking task force, said since dna database started in april 2009 has matched 2,348 children biological parents. zhang baoyan, founder of baby home non-government organisation, said database effective way reunite families. baby home receives average of 50 inquiries day abducted children , parents; baby home gives blood samples ministry dna testing. zhang baoyan, founder of baby home, said there still parents of missing children have no idea dna database .

a 2013 english news magazine report describes xiao chaohua, campaigning parent of abducted child, believing authorities doing lot more. mr xiao says buyers of abducted children still away without punishment — live in villages , enjoy protection local officials. says orphanages fail take dna children receive.


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