Route Hamburg freight rail bypass
1 route
1.1 northern freight train bypass
1.2 ohlsdorf siding
1.3 southern freight train bypass
northern freight train bypass
route of northern freight bypass
the northern freight bypass branches off between former marshalling yard, intercity-express repair shop (bahnbetriebswerk hamburg-eidelstedt), , hamburg-eidelstedt station , runs east of line elmshorn. there formerly small freight yard in hamburg-lokstedt. siding formerly connected several major car dealers in nedderfeld.
the line planned beginning double-track line, built temporary single track, laid alternately on either side or in middle of reservation. continues former barmbek freight yard in heights near rübenkamp (city nord) , alte wöhr s-bahn stations. @ rübenkamp station short branch line branches off hamburg-ohlsdorf, connecting both hamburg s-bahn , hamburg u-bahn. ohlsdorf line ran on east side of u-bahn line u1 via langenhorn former ochsenzoll (langenhorner bahn) freight yard.
the freight bypass line continues south-southeast ohlsdorf single track hamburg-horn junction, joined connecting curve hamburg-wandsbek station on line lübeck. northern part of freight bypass ends @ former hamburg-rothenburgsort marshalling yard on line berlin. few tracks used @ these stations , yards.
following upgrade of hamburg–lübeck line, duplication of 3.3 km long section between horn , rothenburgsort completed @ end of 2007, including widening of 8 bridges. between horn , eidelstedt existing track redeveloped, allow higher speeds, requires no planning approval process. noise emissions on section improved part of federal noise abatement program.
ohlsdorf siding
in ohlsdorf there small freight yard, site of used hamburger hochbahn hold stock. south of there track connection hamburg s-bahn. since alster valley railway had no separate freight track, freight formerly operated on ran on s-bahn tracks. in addition, hamburg-ohlsdorf s-bahn depot connected railway network.
north of ohlsdorf u-bahn , s-bahn station freight track ran beside langenhorn line (langenhorner bahn) of u-bahn original terminus @ ochsenzoll. today, tracks north of ohlsdorf station u-bahn line. long-disused track ochsenzoll dismantled 2008. part of route used building hamburg airport s-bahn line.
the track between barmbek freight yard , main u-bahn workshop dismantled in 2005. during world war ii, track extended premises of important wartime lathe manufacturer heidenreich & harbeck.
southern freight train bypass
the southern part of freight bypass railway had been planned since 1920s branching @ existing junction north of tiefstack , 1993 branching @ hamburg-billwerder freight yard, had been adapted combined transport, berlin line new line in wide arc through marshlands continuing harburg south join existing lines hanover , bremen. link reported in 1985 in federal transport infrastructure plans line connecting hamburg-harburg , hamburg-rothenburgsort, without specific route. after determined new route through environmentally sensitive vierlande (four lands) , marschlande (marsh lands) not built, current line built between 1987 , 1996.
the essential elements (from south north) of rail line are:
the construction of new double-track freight line grade-separated crossing of hamburg–hanover line between northern end of maschen marshalling yard , hamburg-harburg,
the reconstruction of hamburg-harburg station allow at-grade crossing of hamburg–bremen , hanover–hamburg passenger trains,
increasing operating speeds in following routes:
hamburg–hanover 120 km/h,
hamburg–bremen 100 km/h,
maschen–hamburg unterelbe 60 km/h and
maschen–hamburg -wilhelmsburg 80 km/h
the construction between hamburg-harburg , veddel junction of double-track line new double-track bridge on süderelbe (southern elbe) connect marshalling yards of hamburg-hohe schaar , hamburg süd,
the rearrangement of tracks between hamburg-harburg , former hamburg main freight yard (hamburg hgbf):
two passenger tracks east,
two freight tracks west,
two freight tracks east,
two central passenger tracks,
two port freight tracks west,
the abandonment of freight train turning system in hamburg main freight yard , rearrangement , simplification of track layout,
the construction of double-track link between north elbe bridge , hamburg-rothenburgsort station bridge on upper harbour canal,
the dismantling of existing double track line connecting former main freight yard , hamburg-rothenburgsort,
the rebuilding of platform track 8 in hamburg hauptbahnhof connect towards lübeck , (new) hamburg-harburg line, including extension of platform between tracks 7 , 8,
the extension of süderelbe junction interlocking zone, remotely controlled modernised signal box in hamburg-harburg (and dismantling of sf signal box). veddel vf, hob , wr iv (in former hamburg main freight yard) signal boxes controlled hamburg-harburg , hob , wr iv signal boxes have been dismantled.
after german reunification new single track built next old line between former hamburg main freight yard , hamburg-rothenburgsort trains running between hamburg , berlin use platforms in hamburg hbf (tracks 5–8 , 11–14).
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