Production history Carrie (musical)
1 production history
1.1 stratford try-out
1.2 1988 broadway production
1.3 2012 off-broadway revival
1.4 2015 off-west end production
1.5 2015 los angeles production
production history
inspired 1981 performance of alban berg s opera lulu @ metropolitan opera house, lawrence d. cohen, wrote script 1976 film version of carrie, , michael gore began work on musical based on stephen king novel. gore s fame collaborator, dean pitchford, brought in work on project, underwent numerous rewrites. in august 1984, workshop of first act staged @ 890 broadway (new york city) annie golden carrie, maureen mcgovern mrs. white, laurie beechman mrs. gardner, , liz callaway chris. announced carrie produced on broadway in 1986. funding not raised until late 1987.
stratford try-out
the show produced friedrich kurz , royal shakespeare company , had first four-week run beginning on february 13, 1988 in stratford-upon-avon, england, received mixed reviews. directed terry hands , choreographed debbie allen, cast included broadway veteran , cabaret singer barbara cook, charlotte d amboise, gene anthony ray, darlene love, , linzi hateley, in stage debut, carrie.
the production plagued script , technical problems. crew unable douse hateley fake blood without causing microphone malfunction. rewrites continued following each show, , program cited song, once loved boy, had been rewritten , retitled when there s no 1 prior first performance. cook resigned when decapitated elaborate set piece - white s living room, during open heart - on opening night, agreed stay on until replacement cast, turned out remainder of show s stratford run. musical section of locker room scene (which has come known mother should have told ) removed after initial few performances, , song, white star, later excised.
1988 broadway production
the show transferred broadway @ expense of $8 million (at time exorbitant amount). hateley (who won theatre world award) , other members of uk cast remained show, cook replaced betty buckley (who had played teacher miss collins in 1976 film version).
the show started previews on april 28, 1988, @ virginia theatre. after final song, boos heard mixed in applause. ken mandelbaum quoted wollman, macdermot, , trask: ken mandelbaum writes of audience divided during previews, curtain calls of greeted raucous mix of cheers , boos. however, in instant, when linzi hateley , betty buckley rose take bows, entire theatre turned standing ovation. according new york times, show had received standing ovations @ previews, on opening night... show officially opened on may 12, 1988. hampered scathing reviews, , despite fact theatre sold out every night, financial backers pulled money out of show, , closed on may 15 after 16 previews , 5 performances, guaranteeing place in theatre history 1 of expensive disasters of time. according new york times, more-than-$7 million show...was expensive quick flop in broadway history.
2012 off-broadway revival
a reading held on november 20, 2009, in new york city. score , book revised original composers michael gore , dean pitchford, , writer lawrence d. cohen. songs dream on, hurts strong, don t waste moon, heaven, m not alone, wotta night , out blood removed , replaced new songs (see below). reading directed stafford arima , starred sutton foster, marin mazzie , molly ranson.
on october 5, 2010, confirmed carrie produced off-broadway @ lucille lortel theatre mcc theater. director stafford arima original creators working on revisions of show. may 25 through june 7, developmental lab held @ mcc, directed arima , choreographed matt williams. initial cast revival announced on may 3, 2011. reading held in 2009, marin mazzie starred margaret white , molly ranson carrie. additional cast announced on november 21, 2011. on august 1, 2011, benefit preview of revival presented @ lucille lortel theatre. titled revisiting carrie, event gave behind-the-scenes @ upcoming production cohen, gore , pitchford. arima present well. throughout evening, mazzie, ranson , other cast members, performed song selections show.
the revival began previews on january 31, 2012, , officially opened on march 1, 2012, , closed month later on april 8 after limited engagement 34 previews , 46 performances. mcc directors said: mcc, authors, , director achieved set out – rescue carrie oblivion , give new life. plans under way preserve production lincoln center library performing arts, may live on in memories of thousands of theatergoers saw , loved it. during 2011/2012 awards season show nominated multiple awards, winning one. on april 9, 2012, ghostlight records announced record first-ever cast album of show. recording released september 25, 2012.
2015 off-west end production
in 2015, paul taylor-mills (producer) , gary lloyd (director) announced bringing revamped carrie london s off-west end theatre, southwark playhouse running limited season 1 30 may. casting production included evelyn hoskins in title role, kim criswell margaret white, sarah mcnicholas sue snell, gabriella williams chris hargensen, jodie jacobs miss gardner, greg miller-burns tommy ross , dex lee billy nolan. production opened positive reviews, congratulating hoskins on performance carrie , criswell terrifying mother.
2015 los angeles production
on march 18, 2015 new environmental-immersive version of carrie received los angeles premiere @ la mirada theatre performing arts. directed brady schwind , choreographed lee martino, cast los angeles premiere included emily lopez carrie white, misty cotton margaret white, kayla parker sue snell, jon robert hall tommy ross, valerie rose curiel chris hargensen, garrett marshall billy nolan , jenelle lynn randall miss gardner. production featured tiana okoye alternate carrie. first african-american actress play part in mainstream production.
the immersive production, featuring further revised book , score , renamed carrie killer musical experience received largely positive reviews, cast , unique staging concept. producers jack w. batman , bruce robert harris announced in interview playbill future productions of staging planned additional cities nationwide , internationally. la mirada production of carrie received 5 ovation award nominations l.a. stage alliance: best production of musical, best actress: emily lopez, best actress: misty cotton, best director: brady schwind , best scenic design: stephen gifford.
on june 22, 2015, announced immersive production of carrie return los angeles in october 2015 limited six-week engagement. show began performances @ historic los angeles theatre in downtown los angeles on october 1 in advance of october 8 opening. playbill confirmed majority of la mirada cast returning, including leading , supporting actors.
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