Mughal artefacts Jade Collection in National Museum

1 mughal artefacts

1.1 huqqa of emperor jahangir
1.2 surahi
1.3 cup of emperor akbar shah ii
1.4 archer s ring
1.5 other items

mughal artefacts

emperor jahangir s inscribed huqqa.

huqqa of emperor jahangir

tobacco smoking introduced in india portuguese during emperor akbar s period (1526–1605). in spite of akbar s effort ban smoking, became popular during son jahangir s reign (1605–1628). smoking of tobacco through water base believed less harmful. huqqa or hookah, persian word, has 4 parts; huqqa base water container; hollow stem, divided 2 tubes connect huqqa base chilam (tobacco container) , smoking pipe placed on neck of huqqa base. third portion chilam detachable lid place on top of 1 of hallow tube. last piece smoking tube, attached tip of second tube. interesting practice regarding muhnal (mouth-piece) detachable enabling each user use own muhnal.

artisans inspired popularity of huqqa smoking , created many innovatively shaped huqqas – ovoid, spherical, curvaceous , bell shaped, or in shape of mango, bird or doll. these huqqas made of glass gold , jewel studded decoration, silver enamelled or jade carved. highly ornamental silver , jade huqqas found in many museums collection around globe.

this inscribed jade narval shaped huqqa rare piece. calligraphy inscribed on silver strip, has been elegantly fixed on chilam , pedestal. upper edge , lower portion of chilam , upper portion of huqqa s pedestal inscribed in arabic , persian in nastaliq script.

the inscription reads:

قُلۡ هُوَ اللّٰہُ اَحَدٌ

اَللّٰہُ الصَّمَدُ

لَمۡ یَلِدۡۙ وَ لَمۡ یُوۡلَدۡ

وَ لَمۡ یَکُنۡ لَّهّ کُفُوًا اَحَدٌ


bismillāhi -r-raḥmāni -r-raḥīm

1 qul huwa allāhu aḥad

2 allahu -ṣ-ṣamad

3 lam yalid wa lam yūlad

4 wa lam yaku(n)l lahu kufuwan aḥad

the english translation reads:

say: allah, 1 , only; [1] allah, eternal, absolute; [2] begetteth not, nor begotten; [3] , there none comparable unto him. [4]

the inscription on top of huqqa reads:

پادشاہ جہنگیر ۱۰۳۲ ھ

this translates to:

emperor jahangir, 1032 hijri

this hijri year converts 1626 ad.


jade surahi (flask).

the royal karkhanas (manufacturing workshops) established islamic rulers main manufacturing centres producing objects required royalty. akbar , successors continued , upgraded system , under personal supervision exquistive jewellery items, imaginative armoury articles , variety of utilitarian artefacts crafted. immacutavely carved out of jade these artefacts studded jewels rubies, diamonds, emeralds , jade. these objects great examples of emperor s high taste , skill of artisans. among various uttarian artefacts, surahi (flask), used keeping wine or water, rare example of jade carving. many vessels illustrated in persian , indian miniature paintings of seventeenth-eighteenth century.

with globular body , long neck, surahi outstanding example of jade carving. inlaid diamond shaped jade pieces , decorated gold wire. each of joints beautifully decorated 6 petal flower motifs, have been worked gold leaf covering , glass. neck portion of surahi made of small rectangular jade pieces on row of diamond design has been worked out. ring of red stones on lower portion of neck enhanced charm of surahi.

cup of emperor akbar shah ii

a jade bowl in collection.

cups , vases made under supervision immaculately carved out of jade , studded jewels. among exquisite examples, unusual object displayed in jade utility section cup, on name of mughal emperor akbar shah ii (1760–1837) inscribed in persian. inscription reads shah akbar . second son of shah alam ii , father of bahadur shah zafar ii. light green cups can seen in mughal paintings might interpreted being east asian green celadon ware. however, no such celadons have yet been discovered in mughal context. floral motifs beautifully used in stylised , realistic manner. of flowers identified iris , narcissus. many flowers on plant seen different angles , in different stages of blossoming.

archer s ring

archer s ring in museum.

specially designed archer s ring worn archer in thumb of right or left hand @ time of archery. while pulling string shooting arrow, helped in safe guarding thumb, string of bow not damage fingers. made of whitish nephrite jade , dark green jade. adorned floral motifs.

other items

other objects include studded plated, betel , spice boxes, cups, bowls, spoon, plaques, tumblers etc. these artefacts in understanding artistic taste of patrons , craftsmanship of artisans prevalent during 17–19th century ce. ornate jade armlet of 18th century inlaid ruby in center , surrounded emeralds. 18th century jade cosmetic casket in shape of mango enamelled silver lid. plate of 18th century inlaid precious stones , gold wires.


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