Mobile platforms Adobe Flash Player
in 2011, flash player had emerged de facto standard online video publishing on desktop, adaptive bitrate video streaming, drm, , fullscreen support. on mobile devices however, after apple refused allow flash player within inbuilt ios web browser, adobe changed strategy, enabling flash content delivered native mobile applications using adobe integrated runtime.
up until 2012, flash player 11 available android (arm cortex-a8 , above), although in june 2012, google announced android 4.1 (codenamed jelly bean) not support flash default. starting in august 2012, adobe no longer updates flash android. in spite of this, adobe flash still available install on android devices via adobe s update archives (up android 4.3).
flash player certified supported on select range of mobile , tablet devices, acer, blackberry 10, dell, htc, lenovo, logitech, lg, motorola, samsung, sharp, softbank, sony (and sony ericsson), , toshiba. of 2012, adobe has stopped browser-based flash player development mobile browsers in favor of html5, adobe continues support flash content on mobile devices adobe integrated runtime, allows developers publish content runs native applications on supported mobile phone platforms.
version 9 recent version available linux/arm-based nokia 770/n800/n810 internet tablets running maemo os2008, classic mac os , windows 95/nt. version 10 can run under windows 98/me using kernelex. hp offers version 6 of player hp-ux. other versions of player have been available @ point os/2, symbian os, palm os, beos , irix. kodak easyshare 1 includes flash player.
adobe said optimize flash use on arm architecture (armv7 , armv6 architectures used in cortex-a series of processors , in arm11 family) , release in second half of 2009. company stated wants enable flash on nvidia tegra, texas instruments omap 3 , samsung arms. beginning 2009, announced adobe bringing flash tv sets via intel media processor ce 3100 before mid-2009. arm holdings later said welcomes move of flash, because transform mobile applications , removes claim desktop controls internet. however, of may 2009, expected arm/linux netbook devices had poor support web video , fragmented software base.
among other devices, leapfrog enterprises provides flash player leapster multimedia learning system , extended flash player touch-screen support. sony has integrated flash player 6 playstation portable s web browser via firmware version 2.70 , flash player 9 playstation 3 s web browser in firmware version 2.50. nintendo has integrated flash lite 3.1, equivalent flash 8, in internet channel on wii.
the following table documents flash player , air support on mobile operating systems:
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