History Shorinji Kempo
doshin so
doshin sō, birthname michiomi nakano, born in okayama prefecture , spent youth in northern china, first grandfather , intelligence agent of occupying japanese army collect military information during war. part of cover, posted taoist school apprentice. there, nakano met chen lian (陳 良), taoist priest , master of báilián mén quán or báilián quán(meaning white lotus fist ). after time, chen introduced nakano wen taizong (文 太宗), master in yihe mén quán or yihe quán (meaning righteous harmony fist ). wen take in nakano student @ shaolin temple, @ henan, , passed onto him title of grandmaster in specific style of quan fa.
in final days of second world war, soviet union broke neutrality pact japan, declaring war. soviets invaded manchuria on 9 august, , overran japanese in less 11 days. aftermath appalling; japanese casualties tenfold of soviets;both civilians , wounded japanese soldiers left die while army retreated; , many japanese civilians committed mass suicide. in carnage dōshin sō recognized , understood nature of human being . according book, nature , quality of person extremely important since politics, law, , day-to-day living conducted human beings.
after returning japan, sō thought of establishing cram school young people. stationed in small town of tadotsu, on shikoku island, teach buddhist philosophy. established shorinji kempo take concept of ken-zen ichinyo following bodhidharma , made use of techniques had learned in china. (source: book hi-den shōrinji kempō (秘伝少林寺拳法) written dōshin sō, published kobun-sha kappa books). promotion , campaign known kongō-zen undō (diamond-zen campaign) , expanded shorinji kempo throughout japan pupils. campaign , concept inherited daughter yūki sō (宗 由貴, sō yūki) after death in 1980 till present. after death, dōshin sō called kaiso or founder.
1947 - religious entity established
1948 - nippon hokuha shorinji kempo society (日本北派少林寺拳法会) established
1951 - kongō zen sōhonzan shōrinji (金剛禅総本山少林寺) , kōmanji kyōdan (黄卍教団) established
1956 - educational entity, nihon shōrinji bugei senmon-gakkō (日本少林寺武芸専門学校) established
1957 - japan shorinji kempo federation (全日本少林寺拳法連盟, zen-nihon shōrinji kempō renmei) established
1963 - shorinji kempo federation of japan (社団法人日本少林寺拳法連盟, shadan-hōjin nihon shōrinji kempō renmei) formed corporate entity
1972 - international shorinji kempo federation (iskf) (国際少林寺拳法連盟) established
1974 - world shorinji kempo organization (wsko) established
1980 - doshin s death
1992 - shorinji kempo federation foundation formed foundation entity
1997 - 50th anniversary celebration
2000 - shorinji kempo group organized
2002 - busen (shorinji kempo budo academy) high school opened
2003 - busen renamed zenrin gakuen college
2003 - new logo of shorinji kempo (so-en) designed
2005 - official adoption of so-en emblem
2007 - 60th anniversary celebration
2008 - japan junior high school shorinji kempo federation formed
2009 - sekai-taikai (global convention) cancelled in indonesia because of security concerns, taikai held
2012 - doshin s 100th birthday memorial taikai, held in yokohama japan
2013 - shorinji kempo world taikai 2013, held in osaka japan
(source: w:ja:少林寺拳法, in japanese)
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