Career Walter Davis (botanist)
1 career
1.1 life
1.2 james veitch & sons
1.3 return england
1.4 later life
early life
davis born @ sarson street, part of amport, near andover, hampshire. according hortus veitchii, inherited father taste natural history , outdoor pursuits, later took form of love of gardening . @ 12 years old, left school , started work in gardens of marquess of winchester @ amport house; house had been rebuilt in 1857, , gardens being re-modelled. moved wilton park gardens, @ beaconsfield stayed 4 years, rising rank of departmental foreman.
his travels took him work mr. c. ryder @ slade, kent followed spell @ gardens of mr. t. w. evans @ allestree hall, derby, before, in 1870, joined james veitch & sons @ chelsea, london.
james veitch & sons
at chelsea, worked under john dominy in new plant department , became foreman in charge of nepenthes , fine foliage plants. in 1873, following departures of george downton , a. r. endres, harry veitch looking plant collector travel south america locate , collect quantity of orchid, masdevallia veitchiana, had been introduced england in 1867, following discovery richard pearce still scarce. veitch selected davis, , on 2 august 1873 departed south america.
he remained in south america 3 years, during time crossed andean cordilleras in peru, colombia , bolivia @ least twenty times, @ elevations of 17,000 feet (5,200 m) and, predecessor gustav wallis traversed continent, travelling entire length of amazon river.
during trip, successful not in collecting m. veitchiana several other species of genus, including graceful violet-blue m. ionocharis (which found in andean valley of sandia, in province of carabaya, peru, @ 9,000 ft (2,700 m) elevation) , golden-yellow m. davisii (the incas qoriwaqanki or golden waqanki ), davis discovered in vicinity of cusco, peru. sent flowers heinrich reichenbach identification; in gardeners chronicle, reichenbach described new species m. davisii , saying:
beautiful thing, m. harryana , veitchiana.... other parts of flower yellowish, white , of deepest splendid orange inside; appear give welcome contrast in group of scarlet , vermillion , white masdevallias. discovered a, new collector, mr. w. davis... have opinion of collector, introduced me set of new dried orchids; thought duty attach name of such promising collector such welcome masdevallia.
near arequipa in peru, discovered new species of tuberous begonia, begonia davisii, named after him. b. davisii later used in days of breeding begonia × tuberhybrida cultivars john seden in veitch nurseries @ coombe wood.
return england
on return england in 1877, davis selected conduct botanical analysis of herbage on experimental plots @ rothamsted. returned chelsea on termination of engagement , re-commenced employment veitch nurseries, working in plant propagation department. became specialist in field, , wrote exchange & mart many years under pseudonyms of charles benett (using mother s maiden name) , curiosus.
later life
davis continued work james veitch & sons until dissolution of business in 1914, after became secretary geological society , royal geographical society. acted secretary philanthropic society managed american women in london.
following paralytic stroke led failing eyesight, davis spent last ten years of life in retirement, in care of eldest daughter, in fulham. died on 18 november 1930, , obituary in journal of botany praised contribution botany: passing world of orchidology bids farewell 1 of last reminders of elegant , exciting period in orchid discovery , cultivation .
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