Native broadleaf forest Funafuti Conservation Area


fualifeke islet

the islets of kogatapu have 40% of remaining native broadleaf forest on funafuti atoll.

while coconut palms common in tuvalu, cultivated rather naturally seeding , growing. tuvaluan traditional histories first settlers of islands planted coconut palms not found on islands. native broadleaf forest of funafuti includes following species, described charles hedley in 1896, includes tuvaluan name (some of may follow samoan plant names):

fala or screw pine, (pandanus)
pouka, (hernandia peltata)
futu, (barringtonia asiatica)
fetau, (calophyllum inophyllum)
ferra, (ficus aspem), native fig
fau or fo fafini, or woman s fibre tree (hibiscus tiliaceus)
lakoumonong, (wedelia strigulosa)
lou, (cardamine sarmentosa)
meili, (polypodium), fern
bird s-nest fern, asplenium nidus
miro, (thespesia populnea)
ngashu or naupaka, (scaevola taccada)
ngia or ingia, (pemphis acidula), bush
nonou or nonu, (morinda citrifolia)
sageta, (dioclea violacea), vine
pukavai, (pisonia grandis)
talla talla gemoa, (psilotum triquetrum), fern
tausoun, (heliotropium foertherianum)
tonga or tongo, (rhizophora mucronata), found around swamps
tulla tulla, (triumfetta procumbens), prostrate stems trailed several feet on ground
valla valla, (premna taitensis)


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