Life Maxentius

1 life

1.1 birth , life
1.2 accession
1.3 emperor
1.4 war against constantine

birth , life

maxentius exact date of birth unknown; around 278. son of emperor maximian , wife eutropia.

as father became emperor in 285, regarded crown prince follow father on throne. seems not have served, however, in important military or administrative position during reign of diocletian , father. exact date of marriage valeria maximilla, daughter of galerius, unknown. had 2 sons, valerius romulus (ca. 295 – 309) , unknown one.

in 305, diocletian , maximian abdicated, , former caesares constantius , galerius became augusti. although 2 sons of emperors available, constantine , maxentius, passed on new tetrarchy, , severus , maximinus daia appointed caesars. lactantius epitome states galerius hated maxentius , used influence diocletian see maxentius ignored in succession; perhaps diocletian thought maxentius not qualified military duties of imperial office. maxentius retired estate miles rome.

when constantius died in 306, son constantine crowned emperor on july 25 , subsequently accepted galerius tetrarchy caesar. set precedent maxentius accession later in same year.


the basilica of maxentius in roman forum. completed enemy constantine, 1 of impressive edifices of ancient times.

when rumours reached capital emperors tried subject roman population capitation tax, every other city of empire, , wanted dissolve remains of praetorian guard still stationed @ rome, riots broke out. group of officers of city s garrisons (zosimus calls them marcellianus, marcellus , lucianus) turned maxentius accept imperial purple, judging official recognition granted constantine not withheld maxentius, son of emperor well. maxentius accepted honour, promised donations city s troops, , publicly acclaimed emperor on october 28, 306. usurpation went largely without bloodshed (zosimus names 1 victim); prefect of rome went on maxentius , retained office. apparently conspirators turned maximian well, had retired palace in lucania, declined resume power time being.

maxentius managed recognized emperor in central , southern italy, islands of corsica , sardinia , sicily, , african provinces. northern italy remained under control of western augustus severus, resided in mediolanum (milan).

maxentius refrained using titles augustus or caesar @ first , styled himself princeps invictus ( undefeated prince ), in hope of obtaining recognition of reign senior emperor galerius. however, latter refused so. apart alleged antipathy towards maxentius, galerius wanted deter others following examples of constantine , maxentius , declaring emperors. constantine firmly controlled father s army , territories, , galerius pretend accession part of regular succession in tetrarchy, neither case maxentius: fifth emperor, , had few troops @ command. galerius reckoned not difficult quell usurpation, , in 307, augustus severus marched on rome large army.

the majority of army consisted of soldiers had fought under maxentius father maximian years, , severus reached rome, majority of army went on maxentius, rightful heir of former commander, dealt out large amount of money. when maximian himself left retreat , returned rome assume imperial office once again , support son, severus rest of army retreated ravenna. shortly after surrendered maximian, promised life spared.

after defeat of severus, maxentius took possession of northern italy alps , istrian peninsula east, , assumed title of augustus, (in eyes) had become vacant surrender of severus.


maxentius augustus on follis.

the joint rule of maxentius , maximian in rome tested further when galerius himself marched italy in summer of 307 larger army. while negotiating invader, maxentius repeat did severus: promise of large sums of money, , authority of maximian, many soldiers of galerius defected him. galerius forced withdraw, plundering italy on way. time during invasion, severus put death maxentius, @ tres tabernae near rome (the exact circumstances of death not certain). after failed campaign of galerius, maxentius reign on italy , africa firmly established. beginning in 307 already, tried arrange friendly contacts constantine, , in summer of year, maximian traveled gaul, constantine married daughter fausta , in turn appointed augustus senior emperor. however, constantine tried avoid breaking galerius, , did not openly support maxentius during invasion.

in 308, april, maximian tried depose son in assembly of soldiers in rome; surprisingly him, present troops remained faithful son, , had flee constantine. in conference of carnuntum, in autumn of same year, maxentius once again denied recognition legitimate emperor, , licinius appointed augustus task of regaining usurper s domain. late in 308, domitius alexander acclaimed emperor in carthage, , african provinces seceded maxentian rule. produced dangerous situation maxentius, africa critical rome s food supply.

circus of maxentius in ancient times

maxentius eldest son valerius romulus died in 309, @ age of fourteen, deified , buried in mausoleum in villa of maxentius @ via appia. nearby, maxentius constructed circus of maxentius. after death of maximian in 309 or 310, relations constantine rapidly deteriorated, , maxentius allied maximinus counter alliance between constantine , licinius. allegedly tried secure province of raetia north of alps, thereby dividing realms of constantine , licinius (reported zosimus); plan not carried out, constantine acted first.

in 310, maxentius lost istria licinius, not continue campaign, however, middle of 310 galerius had become ill involve himself in imperial politics , died after april 30, 311. galerius death destabilized remained of tetrarchic system. on hearing news, maximinus mobilized against licinius, , seized asia minor before meeting licinius on bosphorus arrange terms peace. in meantime, maxentius fortified northern italy against potential invasions , sent small army africa under command of praetorian prefect rufius volusianus defeated , executed usurper domitius alexander in 310 or 311. maxentius used opportunity seize wealth of supporters, , bring large amounts of grain rome. strengthened support among christians of italy allowing them elect new bishop of rome, eusebius.

maxentius far secure, however. support dissolving open protest; 312, man barely tolerated, not 1 actively supported. without revenues of empire, maxentius forced resume taxation in italy support army , building projects in rome. election of bishop did not aid much, either, diocletian s persecution had split italian church competing factions on issue of apostasy (see donatism). christians of italy see constantine more sympathetic plight maxentius. in summer of 311, maxentius mobilized against constantine while licinius occupied affairs in east. declared war on constantine, vowing avenge father s murder . constantine, in attempt prevent maxentius forming hostile alliance licinius, forged own alliance man on winter of 311–12 offering him sister constantia in marriage. maximin considered constantine s arrangement licinius affront authority. in response, sent ambassadors rome, offering political recognition maxentius in exchange military support. 2 alliances, maximin , maxentius, constantine , licinius, lined against 1 another. emperors prepared war.

war against constantine

maxentius expected attack along eastern flank licinius, , stationed army in verona. constantine had smaller forces opponent: forces withdrawn africa, praetorian , imperial horse guard, , troops had taken severus, maxentius had army equal approximately 100,000 soldiers use against opponents in north. many of these used garrison fortified towns across region, keeping stationed him in verona. against this, constantine bring force of between twenty-five , forty thousand men. bulk of troops not withdrawn rhine frontiers without negative consequences. against recommendations of advisers , generals, against popular expectation, constantine anticipated maxentius, , struck first.

as weather permitted, late in spring of 312, constantine crossed alps quarter of total army, force equivalent less forty thousand men. having crossed cottian alps @ mont cenis pass, first came segusium (susa, italy), heavily fortified town containing military garrison, shut gates him. constantine ordered forces set gates on fire , scale walls, , took town quickly. constantine forbade plunder of town, , advanced northern italy. @ approach west of important city of augusta taurinorum (turin, italy), constantine encountered large force of heavily armed maxentian cavalry, labeled clibanarii or cataphracti in ancient sources. in ensuing battle constantine spread forces line, allowing maxentius cavalry ride middle of forces. forces broadly encircled enemy cavalry, constantine s own cavalry charged @ sides of maxentian cataphracts, beating them iron-tipped clubs. many maxentian cavalrymen dismounted, while others variously incapacitated blows. constantine commanded foot soldiers advance against surviving maxentian infantry, cutting them down fled. victory, panegyrist speaks of events declares, came easily. turin refused give refuge retreating forces of maxentius. opened gates constantine instead. other cities of north italian plain, recognizing constantine s quick , clement victories, sent him embassies of congratulation victory. moved on milan, met open gates , jubilant rejoicing. resided there until middle of summer of 312 before moving on.

the battle of milvian bridge giulio romano

it expected maxentius try same strategy against severus , galerius earlier; is, remaining in well-defended city of rome, , sit out siege cost enemy more. uncertain reasons, abandoned plan, however, , offered battle constantine near milvian bridge on october 28, 312. ancient sources attribute action superstition or (if pro-constantinian) divine providence. maxentius of course had consulted soothsayers before battle, customary practice, , can assumed reported favourable omens, day of battle dies imperii, day of accession throne (which october 28, 306). else may have motivated him, open speculation.

the armies of maxentius , constantine met north of city, distance outside walls, beyond tiber river on via flaminia. christian tradition, lactantius , eusebius of caesarea, claims constantine fought under labarum in battle, revealed him in dream. of battle itself, not known – constantine s forces defeated maxentius s troops, retreated tiber, , in chaos of fleeing army trying cross river, maxentius fell water , drowned. body found next day , paraded through city, , later sent africa, sign had surely perished.


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