Farm attacks Volkstaat

among rural afrikaners, violent crime committed against white farming community has contributed hardening of attitudes. between 1998 , 2001 there 3,500 recorded farm attacks in south africa, resulting in murder of 541 farmers, families or workers, during 3 years. on average more 2 farm attack related murders committed every week.

the freedom front interprets racial violence targeting afrikaners: in mid-2001 freedom front appealed united nations human rights commission place pressure on south african government murder of white south african farmers, had taken on shape of ethnic massacre . freedom front leader pieter mulder claimed farm attacks seemed orchestrated, , motive attacks not criminal; mulder further claimed definite anti-boer climate had taken root in south africa. people accused of murdering boers , afrikaners applauded supporters during court appearances .

the independent committee of inquiry farm attacks, appointed national commissioner of police, published report in 2003, however, indicating european people not targeted exclusively, theft occurred in attacks, , proportion of european victims had decreased in 4 years preceding report.

in 2010, several international news publications reported on 3,000 white farmers had been murdered since 1994. reportage increased when far-right political figure eugene terre blanche murdered on farm.

genocide watch has theorised farm attacks constitute warning signs of genocide against white south africans , has criticised south african government inaction on issue, pointing out murder rate them ( ethno-european farmers in report, included non-afrikaner farmers of european race) 4 times of general south african population. there 40,000 white farmers in south africa. since 1994 close 3 thousand farmers have been murdered in thousands of farm attacks, many being brutally tortured and/or raped. victims have been burned smoothing irons or had boiling water poured down throats.

in january 2015, afriforum reported there has been increase in farm attacks , murders in previous 5 years.

according afriforum deputy ceo ernst roets: “it important note not murdered on farms white people. on other hand, equally important note black farmers not subjected same levels of torture white counterparts.” based on this, consider more suitable farm terror , farm torture refer happening white south african farmers since end of apartheid regime.[1]

a spike in violent attacks on farmers in february 2017, led 1 of country s largest prayer meetings being held on 22-23 april 2017 in bloemfontein, attracting on 1,000,000 participants.

human rights watch has described general trend of escalation in farm attacks since 1994 , noted lack of government response them.


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