Views Rush Limbaugh


1.1 abortion
1.2 african-americans
1.3 capital punishment
1.4 dismissal of consent in sexual relations
1.5 drug abuse
1.6 environmental issues
1.7 feminism
1.8 iraq prisoner abuse
1.9 obama s policies


in first new york times best seller, limbaugh describes himself conservative, , critical of broadcasters in many media outlets claiming objective. has criticized political centrists, independents, , moderate conservatives, claiming responsible democrat barack obama s victory on republican john mccain in 2008 u.s. presidential election , inviting them leave republican party. calls adoption of core conservative philosophies in order ensure survival of republican party.

james rainey of los angeles times quoted limbaugh saying after 2008 election of barack obama 44th president of united states democrats take 401(k), put in social security trust fund.


limbaugh considers roe v. wade bad constitutional law , supports overturning it, leaving decision states.


limbaugh has been noted making controversial race-related statements regard african-americans. once opined newspaper composite pictures of wanted criminals resembled jesse jackson, , time nfl looks game between bloods , crips without weapons. while employed describes insult-radio dj, used derogatory racial stereotype characterize black caller not understand, telling caller take bone out of nose , call me back. in march 2010, limbaugh used similarity of resigned rep. eric massa s surname slavery-era african-american pronunciation of master make pun on possibility gov. david paterson, new york s first african-american governor, pick massa s replacement: let s assume re right [caller]. so, david paterson become massa gets appoint whoever gets take massa s place. so, first time in life, paterson s gonna massa. interesting, interesting.

limbaugh has asserted african-americans, in contrast other minority groups, left behind socially because have been systematically trained young age hate united states because of welfare state.

capital punishment

limbaugh supports capital punishment, saying thing cruel death penalty last-minute stays.

dismissal of consent in sexual relations

limbaugh dismisses concept of consent in sexual relations. views consent magic key left.

drug abuse

limbaugh has been outspoken critic of sees leniency towards criminal drug use in america. on television show on october 5, 1995, limbaugh stated, many whites getting away drug use , illegal drug trafficking. limbaugh proposed racial disparity in drug enforcement fixed if authorities increased detection efforts, conviction rates, , jail time whites involved in illegal drugs.

environmental issues

limbaugh critical of environmentalism , climate science. has disputed claims of anthropogenic global warming, , relationship between cfcs , depletion of ozone layer, saying scientific evidence not support them. limbaugh has argued against scientific consensus on climate change saying bunch of scientists organized around political proposition. limbaugh has used term environmentalist wacko when referring left-leaning environmental advocates. rhetorical device, has used term refer more mainstream climate scientists , other environmental scientists , advocates whom disagrees.

limbaugh has written there more acres of forestland in america today when columbus discovered continent in 1492, claim disputed united states forest service , american forestry association, state precolonial forests have been reduced 24 percent or 300 million acres.


limbaugh critical of feminism, saying that: feminism established allow unattractive women easier access mainstream of society. popularized term feminazi , referring 2 dozen feminists whom important thing in life ensuring many abortions possible occur. used term referring half-million large 2017 women s march deranged feminazi march . credited friend tom hazlett, professor of law , economics @ george mason university, coining term.

iraq prisoner abuse

on abu ghraib torture , prisoner abuse scandal, limbaugh said, no different happens @ skull , bones initiation ... , re going ruin people s lives on , re going hamper our military effort, , going hammer them because had time.

obama s policies

on january 16, 2009, limbaugh commented on (then-upcoming) obama presidency, hope fails. limbaugh later said wants see obama s policies fail, not man himself. speaking of obama, limbaugh said, s president, s human being, , ideas , policies count me.


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