Education Northern Territory

1 education

1.1 primary , secondary
1.2 tertiary
1.3 libraries


a campus building of charles darwin university

primary , secondary

a northern territory school education consists of 6 years of primary schooling, including 1 transition year, 3 years of middle schooling, , 3 years of secondary schooling. in beginning of 2007, northern territory introduced middle school years 7–9 , high school years 10–12. northern territory children begin school @ age five. on completing secondary school, students earn northern territory certificate of education (ntce). students complete secondary education receive tertiary entrance ranking, or enter score, determine university admittance. international baccalaureate offered @ 1 school in territory – kormilda college.

northern territory schools either publicly or privately funded. public schools, known state or government schools, funded , run directly department of education. private fee-paying schools include schools run catholic church , independent schools, elite ones similar english public schools. northern territory independent schools affiliated protestant, lutheran, anglican, greek orthodox or seventh-day adventist churches, include non-church schools , indigenous school.

as of 2009, northern territory had 151 public schools, 15 catholic schools , 21 independent schools. 39,492 students enrolled in schools around territory 29,175 in public schools, , 9,882 in independent schools. northern territory has 4,000 full-time teachers.


the northern territory has 1 university. northern territory university (now called charles darwin university) opened in 1989. charles darwin university had 19,000 students enrolled: 5500 higher education students , 13500 students on vocational education , training (vet) courses. first tertiary institution in territory batchelor institute of indigenous tertiary education (established in mid-1960s).


the northern territory library territory s research , reference library. responsible collecting , preserving northern territory documentary heritage , making available through range of programs , services. material in collection includes books, newspapers, magazines, journals, manuscripts, maps, pictures, objects, sound , video recordings , databases.


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